Citee Car All Need To Know About Cars Sun, 30 Apr 2023 15:51:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why Is My Check Engine Light Flashing And Car Shaking? Sun, 30 Apr 2023 15:51:55 +0000 Any unusual signs appearing on the car are also a foreshadowing of one or more negative problems that are about to happen with your vehicle. It is best to pay attention still to identify and fix issues as quickly as possible.

So, why is my check engine light flashing and car shaking?

There is a high probability that vibration is only the first consequence of the failure of the vehicle inside, there will be many other problems that will arise from it, affecting the stability and safety of the car.

What Is Check Engine Light?

What Is Check Engine Light

The Check Engine Light or Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) is a specialized device to remind and inform the driver about the vehicle’s condition. The indicator light has a relatively simple structure with a small light bulb and sometimes parts to help make the sound.

Whenever the engine has a problem, the sensors inside the car will scan and send a signal from the protection system to the user through this small indicator light.

We all know that the engine light is also on the car’s dashboard, along with the odometer, temperature indicator, and many other types of signal lights. But fortunately, we do not need to spend too much effort to find the position of the check engine light because compared to other lights, the shape of this part is quite different.

Why Is My Check Engine Light Flashing And Car Shaking?

Why Is My Check Engine Light Flashing And Car Shaking

Usually, the check engine light notification only lasts and will automatically turn off. If the light keeps coming on or flashing, you need to check this unit. Or we can turn off this part entirely and then restore and disable the check engine light later.

If the check engine light is blinking, it is difficult to guess which part the problems are coming from because many errors can trigger the indicator light. However, if the flashing signal occurs along with the vehicle’s vibration, the damage is likely in the following locations.

Fuel filter clogged

A clogged fuel filter is one of the leading causes of vibration when the vehicle is in motion. 

Usually, the fuel filter will filter the dirt inside the fuel to increase purity and then forward it to other areas to carry out the combustion process. 

So in the case of filter problems, the amount of fuel will decrease, causing a lack of fuel pressure. If the fuel injector expects a certain amount of energy and doesn’t receive it, this will cause the cylinder to misbehave because the air-to-fuel ratio will be wrong.

And once the pressure is out of balance, the engine will also vibrate; the effects are low-pressure airflow. And this is what makes you feel. If your vehicle has a fuel pressure problem due to a bad fuel filter, the ECU will notice the problem and activate the check engine light.

Poor quality fuel injectors

Inefficient fuel injectors can cause the same problems as a clogged fuel filter.

Both modern and antique engines often use a direct injection technique to inject fuel into the engine cylinders. 

And during this injection process, if there is a problem, the fuel flow will no longer be stable, leading to poor combustion efficiency and loss of inherent performance of the vehicle. Not only that, but tremors will also appear, or worse, you will have to prime manually using old pumps.

The amount of fuel injected at the injector is usually controlled by the ECU, so it’s not too strange that this part can respond to errors and flash the indicator light.

One or more ignition coils are defective.

Ignition coils are essentially mini transformers that generate high voltage currents that power spark plugs. With a significant role as the primary source of energy to ignite and ignite the fuel mixture, thereby generating energy, the failure of this part always causes many dangerous problems.

So if you try to start an engine that already has one or more faulty ignition coils, the machine could jerk, flicker, misfire, and even stall.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Is this sign safe?

The answer is always no because it is never safe to drive a vehicle with problems. Whether a slight problem like Water Leaking into the car from the roof or as big as a car vibrating when operating, it can have significant consequences if no appropriate measures are taken.

Can I Drive My Car With The Check Engine Light Blinking?

In fact, you can still move if the problems are not too serious. But as mentioned above, moving in this condition is quite dangerous, and you should not be reckless.

Why Does My Car Shake When I Press The Gas Pedal?

There are many reasons for this phenomenon. When you press the gas pedal, the car accelerates, which amplifies any small vibrations or shakes, making them much more noticeable.

The most common reason your car vibrates when you press the accelerator is an engine problem. 

It could be due to a lack of fuel causing an engine fire or a problem with spark plugs.

How Long Can You Drive With A Misfire?

You should not drive a car if you suspect that the engine has caught fire. Because it is as reckless as when we repair under the car without a lift.


Check engine light flashing, and car shaking are not typical signs if you experience them while operating your vehicle. So hopefully, today’s article has helped you have a more correct and comprehensive view of the problems that these two signs warn us about.

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Can You Drive With A Bad Mass Air Flow: How To Fix It? Sun, 30 Apr 2023 15:43:02 +0000 In driving a car or truck, there will be many factors that affect its performance. For a vehicle to work effectively and promote its inherent potential, it is necessary to have a good amount of working gas.

But if you drive the car with bad air, will the car move? It is probably a big question for many users.

Therefore, the information below will answer your questions about whether driving with insufficient air volume is possible.

Mass Flow Sensor Classification

Mass Flow Sensor Classification

On the market today, most manufacturers equip hot-wire MAF sensors, and others are less common. However, this article will give you the full range of sensors. Typically, MAF sensors will come in four types.

#Hot wire MAF

One wire is responsible for heating, and the other is for keeping the temperature. For this type, the amount of PCM gas is calculated based on the amount of current gas to ensure that the temperature of the hot wire at 200°F~93.33°C is more desirable than the cold wire.

The MAF can quickly increase or decrease the current going to the heater wire, causing less or more air to enter the vehicle from the temperature difference. Its primary purpose is to balance the ratio of fuel and air.

#Propeller airflow sensor

It is to include a voltage converter or a transformer. As air enters, this pressure gauge measures the volume of air.

#Cold Wire Sensor (MAF Cold Wire)

Its mechanism of action is to use a thin metal strip that vibrates when air passes through. Then, the vibration frequency values are sent to the EMC (engine control module) through the signal to calculate the air volume.

#Karmen Votrex MAF

This sensor also performs the same task as the other three. But in it, there is a difference between a mirror and a photocoupler creating a vortex.

Can You Drive With A Bad Mass Air Flow?

Can You Drive With A Bad Mass Air Flow

With a bad mass airflow sensor, you can still drive usually. However, it would help if you remembered to only operate for short periods. It will not interfere with the user’s driving process, but we will notice that the engine is slow, the conversion process in the device takes place inefficiently.

If the condition of the airflow sensor has insufficient mass for a long time, your engine may be damaged. And the most dangerous thing is that during driving, you will encounter unnecessary accidents caused by this sensor because you’re making it run while the air turns into fuel.

When a sensor (MAF) fails, the system will not transmit information to the PCM. Therefore, the PCM cannot regulate the fuel that the MAF sends and causes the vehicle equipment to work poorly or possibly not work at all.

It is necessary to repair or use a mass air flow sensor cleaner alternative 102 in such a bad condition. That costs about $200. But if leaving the low-mass airflow sensor for too long leads to engine failure, the repair cost can reach $7,500. Therefore, we need to carefully check whether the sensor is working correctly and fix it in time.

About A Bad Mass Air Flow

About A Bad Mass Air Flow


  • Maybe due to long-term running, the car has many layers of dirt, oil, and tiny objects. These factors contaminate the MAF and lead to misoperation and damage to the sensor.
  • And sometimes, users don’t pay attention to the signs of sensor problems. Gradually, it will deteriorate over time. Users will have to spend a lot of money to repair it.

#Common Sign

  • Engine stalls or jerks during solid acceleration.
  • The engine makes strange engine noises.
  • Noise when turning steering wheel while stationary 100
  • Compared to normal, the device is much more challenging to boot. And if it is already on, it will shut down immediately.
  • white smoke from exhaust when accelerating 88

#How To Fix It?

  • Check if the tip of the sensor collides with the joint
  • Please take a close look at its measuring components
  • Check the connection between the power supply and the spark plugs
  • Monitor the output voltage to see if it behaves strangely
  • Test plug controller with transmitter sensor
  • Use automatic control electronics to test MAF

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Is it possible to drive without the check engine light?

You can still drive generally if there is no check light when the air mass sensor is bad. According to the instructions, the lost test light may be because you have permanently turned it off.

In such cases, you should go to the experts to see if the device has a light or because it is inherently not. If the light is lost, we should immediately equip it and fix the poor air mass sensor so that the engine can work properly again and prolong its life.

How to check MAF air mass flow?

The user can unplug and test drive the car to test the air mass flow to see if it runs properly. If true, the MAF is faulty. Then we need to clean or go to the car repair shop to repair it in time.

How to clean the MAF?

The way to clean the MAF is also quite simple. You need to find and buy a CRC spray bottle. When air is injected, the sensor is cleaner and easier to control. And the cost to buy a spray bottle is not too expensive, so you can rest assured about the price.


The article has provided some essential information to help you answer whether it is possible to drive with a bad mass airflow sensor.

Although still driving usually, we should check the sensor to ensure safe use and improve the quality of the engine. I hope the above article will help you to gain more knowledge.

Thank you for reading!

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How To Tell The Difference Between Compression And Exhaust Stroke Sat, 29 Apr 2023 07:51:42 +0000 The diesel engine is an internal combustion engine that burns fuel to operate motorcycles or cars. Its working principle consists of 4 stages: intake, compression, explosion, and discharge. Each cycle in the engine will take on different tasks.

But when summed up, those cycles will support each other in the process of working for the engine to work correctly. If one of the four strokes is missing, the diesel engine will not have a fuel combustion mechanism.

So, how to tell the difference between compression and exhaust stroke? Check this article below for details

Compression Process

Compression is when the piston moves from bottom dead center to top dead center thanks to the drive crankshaft. During this period, both caps are closed. The crankshaft drives the pistons going up, causing the cylinder volume to decrease, so the pressure and temperature of the gas in the cylinder increase.

At the end of the compression stroke, the injector injects an amount of diesel fuel such as 15w 40 with high pressure into the combustion chamber. Spark plugs spark an electric spark that ignites the carburetor.

This is a significant journey. The higher the compression pressure, the greater the pressure generated during the compression process. The power generated is also significant and saves a lot of fuel.

Discharge Process

The exhaust process is the final stage in a four-stroke diesel engine. It has a piston cycle going from TDC to TDC, and the intake valve is closed, the exhaust valve is open. With the help of the driving crankshaft, the piston goes up, pushing the exhaust gas in the cylinder through the exhaust valve.

When the piston reaches TDC, the exhaust valve closes, and the intake valve opens. Then closes to allow a new air-fuel mixture to enter. The cylinder continues the first cycle of the news cycle and repeats.

How To Tell The Difference Between Compression And Exhaust Stroke

How To Tell The Difference Between Compression And Exhaust Stroke

In general, there are many similarities between the two cycles. However, some typical differences still exist to help us identify the discharge compression process.

#TDC in compression and discharge

If the cam shows the exhaust cycle, remove the cam and rotate it 360 degrees around the crankshaft 9.

While the piston goes up to the top dead center, between the power and the compression stroke, a thumb will push out of the tube to help the air escape. 

And to a point where the air in the spark plug no longer blows out, that force will be close to the top dead center of the compression stroke.

Each different type of vehicle will have a different structure. But the TDC of most engines appears at the end of the compression and exhaust cycles.

#Intake and exhaust valves

Both the intake and exhaust valves close during compression, and the piston moves up the cylinder, compressing the gas and gasoline mixture. This is because the control of both arms vibrates the compressed target cylinder and closes both valves. 

The ignition system ignites the carburetor before the piston comes into contact with the top dead center. Of course, this process will become less effective over time if the relief valve burns out.

However, both the intake and exhaust valves are open for the exhaust process. If the TCD is at the end of a discharge, the intake valve is partially open and is about to open fully, and the drain valve is partially above its closing line. 

When the piston moves up the cylinder, it can push the gas out thanks to the exhaust valve.

The exhaust valve closes 10-30 degrees later than the dead center of the crankshaft to rely on the inertia of the exhaust flow to increase the ability to clean exhaust. Also, compared with the intake valve, the exhaust valve closes later. 

It can be considered the most significant and typical difference between compression and exhaust stroke.

Besides, depending on the layout arrangement, the position of the valves of the cylinder is arranged differently.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

1.How to recognize TDC in compression?

To recognize the TDC in the compression cycle, you can take an outlet and rotate the ACW rotor. Your head will look towards the cylinder, examining the engine several times and the tapes. If you see a T, the tappets will move up before the TDC, and the top will go down.

This method is quite cumbersome and laborious. Therefore, there is still a more straightforward way to identify it than by hand. 

Insert your finger into the spark plug hole, using the starter to contact the engine. If you hear air blowing, stop. In the next step, rotate the motor in the direction of rotation until the TCD pulley or flywheel align.

If the TCD is incorrect, this work takes a long time. This technique is much faster than pulling the ACW rotor valve cover.

2.What is the compression ratio of the Honda H22A engine?

This is an engine manufactured in 1992. The design consists of four inline cylinder engines. The compression ratio of this engine will vary from place to place.

The maximum compression ratio in the US is 10.6:1. Meanwhile, in Japan and some European countries, it is 11.6:1. Because of this, this vehicle is quite popular across the country, thanks to its performance.

3.When does TDC become a motor in the exhaust cycle?

Crankshaft placement is critical. If you set the crankshaft to TDC but forgot to pay attention to the camshaft position, you are in the exhaust TDC in cylinder number 1. But if the TCD is in the compression cycle, the crankshaft rotates twice for the camshaft.


The above essential information has answered the difference between compression and discharge questions. 

Besides, the article also provides a few more related questions to help you understand in more detail both processes. It is not too difficult to distinguish them if we know the characteristic elements of the above cycles.

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Where To Hook Up Vacuum Advance? Sat, 29 Apr 2023 07:37:54 +0000 Vacuum can be the difference in pressure inside the intake manifold and outside air. Gasoline engines only work in the presence of a vacuum cleaner.

If the vacuum cleaner is in the wrong place, the engine will not work and lead to leakage, fire, and explosion. Therefore, the article will help you find the answer to where to hook up vacuum advance. From there, the vacuum cleaner will optimize the working process and help the engine work better.

Where To Hook Up Vacuum Advance?

Where To Hook Up Vacuum Advance

Vacuum cleaners are to provide ignition in high vacuum, low load cases. When the load is too heavy or the acceleration is too fast, the vacuum will drop in the motor, and the time delay keeps the device from pinging.

Many people still believe that the vacuum cleaner should be placed in a vacuum source with a port during use. However, there are other opinions that the vacuum cleaner needs to be plugged in directly.

Compared to reality, plugging the machine into any two locations above is entirely appropriate. But if you plug it into the power source directly, the engine power and the number of revolutions of the rotating machine increase.

The engine burns lighter when idling or adding oil to a hot engine; the gas mixture burns slowly and requires an early spark for optimal combustion. 

As soon as another ignition timing is from the vacuum box and the manifold’s full source, the combustion of fuel and air is more efficient.

Since then, the performance of the engine is also better. To see if that is true or false, you can also try switching the position of the vacuum cleaner for your vehicle device.

How Is The Vacuum Tube Routing For An Intensification Application?

Users can still connect the vacuum hose first, even if they use turbo or more astonishing devices. As the turbocharger increases, the loader produces positive manifold pressure causing the vacuum to disappear.

The vacuum tube needs to be moved under the blower for root blowers. From here, the manufacturer can identify a spurious vacuum signal and time it before the application strengthens.

Does It Affect Performance?

If the engine is working inefficiently and there are some phenomena such as engine hesitation at low RPM 331, the vacuum is high, affecting tool performance.

For light-loaded engines, the time will be improved. The interaction with the throttle is also significantly improved to help the engine run cooler and work more effectively.

Vacuum cleaners offer this advantage before application mechanics provide total time. It is only really beneficial with conventional commuting tools. As for racing cars, there is almost no benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

1.Air intake manifold vs straight manifold, which is better?

Choosing which type of pipe is better is not easy because each type has different advantages and disadvantages. But according to the common ground, users prefer the air intake pipe.

Because when using a straight manifold vacuum, you get the full vacuum before no load.

But when nailing the throttle, the vacuum in the manifold reduces the vacuum signal to fall out. It also results in sagging or tripping during acceleration due to the disappearance of the spark.

2.Do racing cars have a vacuum system installed?

With racing model cars, there is no vacuum system installed. Because racing cars work at maximum throttle conditions and are available for racing purposes.

It is very different from cars running on the street due to the need to start cold, save fuel and minimize the device’s heating.

3.How to test vacuum advance for classic car?

The rubber components often fail first in classic cars like Chevrolet Monte Carlo or older models. The vacuum sealer operates as the rubber membrane converts the applied vacuum pressure into a high time.

If you see drops of raw fuel falling out, it is a signal for the engine to have a problem because the diaphragm and fuel pump are compromised. This situation will lead to the loss of the advanced vacuum level for a long time to adjust the time, making the car slow when moving.

Therefore, it is to check the vacuum level on the vehicle by using the induction time indicator light. When the base time is in place, the vacuum pump connects to the diaphragm and pumps it. Then see the timestamp with the time indicator on the scale.

In addition, this situation of oil leak also needs to be fixed immediately if you do not want to spend more maintenance costs later.

Another way is to remove the dispenser cover and use a hand vacuum pump to operate the mechanism. It will hold the slide in place until the vacuum is from the gate.


The above article has also provided almost complete information on where to place the vacuum cleaner. 

Depending on the structure of each different engine, we will have a way to remember the vacuum cleaner in the appropriate positions. From there, the machine will maximize its potential to help the car operate at its best.

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How Much HP Does A Cam Add? Fri, 28 Apr 2023 07:34:07 +0000 Everyone wants their vehicle to achieve the most optimal capacity to get to the locations they need quickly. So over time, more and more different ways to improve the engine’s performance, thereby unlocking the speed limit for the car, began to appear. 

So, How Much HP Does A Cam Add?

The impact on the camshaft is one of the most popular choices that many people decide to apply to their vehicles. This part will help you increase the engine’s horsepower, but not all types of axles will increase the number equally.

Structure And Working Principle Of Camshaft

Working Principle Of Camshaft

To understand the performance-enhancing capabilities, you’ll need to know its construction and how it works first.

#Structure of camshaft

The camshaft is inherently a mechanical part of the gas distribution unit that we can find in vehicles using internal combustion engines such as cars. 

This part has a main structure of a connecting rod that is precision machined to every detail to help open and close the valve more flexibly.

The basic camshaft structure consists of many parts, including the intake cam lugs, exhaust cam, and shaft collars. This shaft is usually of metals with high bearing capacity and flexibility, such as white cast iron and steel.

#Working principle

The operating principle of the camshaft is also quite complicated, so today’s article will only cover it briefly.

Theoretically, this unit operates with the help of the crankshaft at approximately half the speed of the crankshaft. So the driver of the crankshaft will affect the way the camshaft works, creating different operating patterns.

The three most common camshaft drive types are camshaft drive by gear transmission, camshaft drive by chain transmission, and belt drive, also known as belt transmission.

Does Camshaft Affect Power?

The answer is definitely yes because the impact of the camshaft on the vehicle’s performance is through the mechanism that makes the valve opening and closing more flexible and precise. With this adjustable air valve opening and closing, the camshaft allows the vehicle to capture more air through each cycle.

That increases the horsepower compared to the standard performance offered by the manufacturer, and you can expect to be able to enjoy the performance of two quality models, the Nissan 350z vs 370z 72, in your vehicle.

We all know that the engines of most cars today operate on the principle of igniting a gas mixture, thereby creating pressure on the pistons and causing these parts to move.

But to create enough pressure, the mixing of fuel such as gasoline or oil with air must achieve the correct ratio for the new combustion phenomenon to occur and as a premise for the expansion of the air to eventually increase pressure in the cylinder. 

So if the composition of the atmosphere rises in favor of flammability, then, of course, the cycle will be more robust, and the efficiency will increase dramatically.

How Much HP Does A Cam Add?

How Much HP Does A Cam Add

The most efficient camshaft models available today can often add 10 to 20 hp to the engine’s actual performance. Although this is not a very high number, this change will help the car have better acceleration.

In addition, the impact of the camshaft on the car engine will not cause fuel consumption because this part itself does not affect these liquids but only stops at the level of affecting the inlet gas flow. 

The rest, the injection process, and the prime are not affected by the camshaft.

However, each different type of camshaft stage will possess additional performance enhancement capabilities, and below is the necessary information you will be interested in.

And of course, the bad ones can’t achieve the same performance.

#1 camshaft add.

Stage 1 camshafts will provide an extra part of our engine’s performance, thereby helping the car accelerate faster. But that may not be enough to change our experience too much. That’s why we have stage 2 camshafts, a significantly upgraded version of stage 1 camshafts.

Intake and exhaust system upgrades and ECU overhauls from stage 1 units will increase the available engine power by 20 to 25% in your vehicle. With this 25%, of course, the difference becomes a lot more noticeable.

#2 camshaft add.

If 25% of stage 2 can’t satisfy you, stage 3 with up to 40% more power than the standard-setting from the manufacturer will be the last choice if you want to use camshafts to increase the vehicle’s performance. Of course, we will still have to upgrade from stage 1 to stage 2 before reaching stage 3, which is also the final stage.

To get such an impressive performance boost, not only did the parts need to be repositioned, but additional transmission holes were also needed to be drilled.

And of course, this job requires us to work carefully and research carefully in advance. If you’ve done complex work like fixing exhaust leak at flange (how to fix exhaust leak at flange), perhaps these operations will be somewhat more straightforward.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

1.How Much Does It Cost To Replace The Camshaft?

The cost of an aftermarket camshaft depends on the brand and type of vehicle you own. Usually, the price will range from $200 to $600. However, if you use high-end cars like Volvo, this number will increase significantly.

2.How do Camshafts and Crankshafts work together?

Both parts will be to each other thanks to Timing belts, a wire-shaped element that helps synchronize the operation of these two components.


Through today’s article, we hope that you got the correct answer to the question of how much hp does a cam add. From there, choose the most suitable changes for your vehicle.


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Chevy 350 TBI Stumbles On Acceleration & How To Fix Fri, 28 Apr 2023 06:51:42 +0000 As you know, Chevy 350 is a famous small displacement engine set worldwide. It possesses outstanding features: durable speed, smooth operation, and no intense noise during use. As a result, it became one of the most efficient automobile engine sets of the 20th century. 

Although the Chevy 350 was of excellent quality, it had some limitations. The engine problem that many Chevy 350 users complain about the most is the phenomenon of tripping when accelerating. 

The following article will introduce 5 reasons why this phenomenon occurs with Chevy 350 engines.

About Chevy 350 TBI

About Chevy 350 TBI

The Chevy 350 engine is a famous small-displacement V8 engine thanks to a series of outstanding advantages such as noise resistance and durability during use. 

In the 20th century, the Chevy 350 has become the most efficient engine set for users. As a result, it became standard on all Chevy small displacement engines.

The Chevy 350 engine system has a straightforward design and can be upgraded at any time. Thanks to that, the engine will not be outdated over time. For advanced needs in performance or durability, users can upgrade to Chevy 350.

Although the 350 TBI Chevy was discontinued in 2002 to replace more fuel-efficient models, many drivers still love these engines. 

Because they have been familiar with the Chevy 350 brand for a long time, thanks to this engine system, many other machines have been born based on their structure. Therefore, although they are no longer produced, when it comes to Chevy 350, users often praise its quality.

Chevy 350 TBI Stumbles On Acceleration & How To Fix

Chevy 350 TBI Stumbles On Acceleration

Vacuum line leak

This problem will result in the wrong air/fuel ratio supplied to the engine. Then, if this problem continues, it can cause your fuel injector cleaner to malfunction and disappear. 

In addition, users may notice some other signs, such as hissing from the engine compartment or stopping when the vehicle is stopped. At this point, the cause may be a vacuum leak.

With this problem, you will need to check the vacuum line. In case this transmission line is stuck, you can fix them on the spot yourself or ask for the help of technical staff.

#Spark plug wear

Spark plug wear is the next cause of your engine tripping when accelerating. With this phenomenon, if you are a person who has a habit of revving the car a lot, the spark plugs will be corroded, making them less effective. 

It is best to replace another set of spark plugs to fix this situation. If you are wondering about choosing a suitable spark plug set, then Autolite vs NGK Spark Plugs 392 will be the best choice for you.

#Faulty fuel pressure

With the Chevy 350 TBI engine system, faulty fuel pressure is a relatively common cause of this engine leading to tripping when accelerating. 

In particular, the subjective reason is due to your car being short of fuel during acceleration. At that time, the engine will not achieve the desired performance. In addition, there is another cause: your fuel pump is having a problem. Therefore, you need to check both cases to ensure everything before concluding the problem for Chevy 350 TBI.

In addition, since the Chevy 350 TBI does not have a fuel pressure check port, you will need to check them with some other accessories in the pressure gauge. 

To make sure your fuel pump is working correctly, you must rely on fuel pressure. If the reading is between 9 and 13 PSI, your fuel pump and regulator are in good working order.

#Ignition system

While ignition system failure is rare, it could still be the cause of your Chevy 350 TBI engine stumbling during acceleration. 

To work around this, you’ll need to check your car’s base time and unplug the EST bypass connector. The identification of this set of wires is brown with a black line and a connector.

#Sensor problem

With the Chevy engine’s mass air flow sensor cleaner alternative 102 it can send false signals that cause the computer to slow down your time. 

Therefore, you will need to check all the sensors involved in the fuel control process. One of the sensors you need to pay special attention to is the MAP sensor.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

1.Is the Chevy 350 tbi L31 the best version?

The Chevy 350 TBI L31 kit is the brand’s latest and final engine system. Therefore, its quality will be the best of all previous versions.

2.Can I fix it myself when my motor is tripped?

With all 5 problems above, you will need the help of technical staff. Because all parts are located inside the car, it will be difficult for someone who does not have too much experience.

3.Is it expensive to repair a 350 TBI chevy that crashes when accelerating?

Depending on the severity of the problem, the cost of repairing a Chevy 350 TBI engine will vary.


Hopefully, the article will help you better understand what causes the Chevy 350 TBI engine to stumble during acceleration. There will be 5 main causes for this phenomenon to happen. 

Therefore, users can rely on audio signals and their own experience to determine the cause of engine failure. 

In most cases, users will need to call car service centers to fix the problem. Because for someone who does not have too much experience like you, it will not be possible to repair their car.

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How To Prime A Mechanical Fuel Pump? Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:24:17 +0000 Thanks to the continuous development of technology, the internal components of the cars we are using are also more and more advanced. 

The fuel pump also no longer operates based on mechanical mechanisms from the engine to the transmission. Instead, electronic technologies are gradually replacing them to make vehicles more flexible. 

But it is also for this reason that interfering with less modern equipment to repair will be a great difficulty because of the lack of guiding information. 

So in today’s article, we will show you how to prime a mechanical fuel pump?.

What Is Fuel Pump Priming?

What Is Fuel Pump Priming

To understand fuel pump priming, you will need to know the number one information about how it works and the cycle of this part.

First, the fuel pump is a part that plays a vital role in the operation of the engine in particular and the entire vehicle in general. Because this device can stabilize the fuel flow from the fuel tank when transported to the combustion chamber to turn into a mixture and burn. 

Usually, if there are no active parts, it is easy to experience instability and uneven combustion. 

So that the fuel pump can keep the required flow and pressure of the fuel when it comes to a good position for discharge, which will help the engine operate more stably.

Before the engine can enter the combustion cycle to rotate the drive shafts, the fuel pump must deliver pressurized fuel to the fuel injector inlet. 

It ensures that the power is converted into an explosive mixture in the shortest possible time.

And the fuel pump priming step is the pre-loading of fuel into the fuel lines and rails of the fuel system so that the first start-up process takes place quickly and efficiently.

Are Mechanical Fuel Pumps Self Priming?

The priming mechanism is available in electronic or mechanical fuel pumps

So, in theory, you don’t need to prime a mechanical fuel pump manually; this will be done automatically by the mechanics in the engine. 

However, unfortunately, if the motor or mechanical fuel pump has some problems, this mechanism will become unstable. 

And then you will have to use the prime mechanical fuel pump completely manually, similar to when disable ford pats system.

Do You Need To Prime A New Fuel Pump?

If the mechanical fuel pump available in your vehicle has a problem and you decide to replace it, the replacement product will no longer need to be manual. 

Because, as mentioned above, fuel injection devices have built-in mechanisms to help us perform this action without the need for outside intervention. 

And only when there is a problem do you need to intervene. And of course, a completely new product usually won’t have too many serious issues.

How To Prime A Mechanical Fuel Pump?

How To Prime A Mechanical Fuel Pump

In times of trouble, self-manipulation can help you quickly deal with temporary obstacles and continue your journey. Of course, after performing these steps, you still need to refer to the recommendations from the experts and take the car to the nearest inspection locations.

#1 Fill up the fuel tank

Of course, to start the mechanism related to fuel injection, we will need to fill the tank so that the fuel can reach the injectors as quickly as possible. In addition, filling the tank also helps to maintain stable operations.

#2 Prepare the pipeline

To take this next step, you will need to open the hood to access the internal system. 

First, we will have to disconnect the fuel pump connection from the carburetor to flow according to our intentions, like removing refrigerant from car AC.

This usually involves removing the hose clamp; other engines will require you to remove the wire from the carburetor with a wrench. Place a rag on the end of the open fuel line.

#3 Start the operation

At this step, you will need to start the car so that the mechanical fuel pump starts pumping gas and spraying into the required position. 

Since you’ve removed the carburetor, fuel will drain out, and the car will soon stop bleeding, but you don’t need to worry as this is a test step, and we’ll get everything back on track soon.

After turning the key, the system will start and inject fuel every 5 seconds, and we will need to restart the system once due to the stalling phenomenon.

#4 Repeat until done

Repeat the injection and injection procedure until you see the fuel begin to wet the rag on the fuel line. It is a sign that we can stop the manipulation process, assemble the parts, and get the car working again.

#5 Reconnect the fuel line to the carburetor.

As the title says, you will only need to reconnect the fuel line to the carburetor then close the bonnet. 

If you have time, you can consider checking other issues like checking brake pads without removing the wheel (how to check brake pads without removing wheel)

Fuel Pump Not Priming? Reasons

There are many reasons why the mechanical fuel pump cannot prime itself anymore, but instead, we have to perform this action manually. Some of the most common causes are:

  • Damaged fuel pump relay
  • Improper wiring and connections
  • Damaged fuel pump fuse
  • Broken fuel pump check valve
  • Faulty fuel pump
  • The battery supply voltage is not stable

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

1.Should a mechanical fuel pump hold pressure?

Although the output pressure of the mechanical fuel pump is relatively low compared to other modern pumps, it is essential to keep this pressure stable.

2.Can a mechanical fuel pump work intermittently?

All vehicle operations will stop if the fuel pump has a problem, similar to engine failures. But luckily, replacing the fuel pump doesn’t take as long as rebuilding a giant engine.

3.Can you clean a mechanical fuel pump?

You absolutely must not disassemble the fuel pump. Instead, we need to manipulate the seal on the SU only. You will need a screwdriver to pull out the seal and clean the pump in place.

4.Can you suck fuel through a mechanical fuel pump?

If there is still fuel in the float bowl, you can press the gas pedal a few times, and on a carburetor with a gas pump, it will spray air from the float bowl down the carburetor throat.


So together, we have come to find the answer to how to prime a mechanical fuel pump. Hopefully, after today’s article, you can know more information to better maintain and operate the vehicle.

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Should A Fan Clutch Spin Freely When Cold? Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:16:03 +0000 In using vehicles in daily life, you will always ask questions and problems related to the vehicle’s system and equipment.

And an issue is: Should A Fan Clutch Spin Freely When Cold?

That’s why we’re here today to help you get rid of the anxiety you’re having. So, is such free rotation a sign of severe damage? Let’s find out with the article below!

What Is Fan Clutch?


The fan clutch (also known as a centrifugal) is in the cooling system, a spring that works based on the system’s temperature to work.


  • Metal thermostat (bimetal plate)
  • Sealed Bearing
  • Liquid chamber
  • Liquid storage tank
  • Propeller


Currently, on the market, manufacturers, depending on the vehicle type structure, design into 3 types:

  • Electronic
  • Torque limit
  • Heat

However, the thermal clutch is the most common of the three types mentioned above. It is because it has a simple structure, suitable for many models on the market today. Another part is because this engine relies on heat to operate.

Working Principle Of Fan Clutch

A centrifuge is an essential part of the car engine.

The reason for this is that the fan clutch acts as a device to maintain the safest temperature range for the vehicle. It keeps the engine from overheating and measures the temperature of the air as it passes through the radiator. Your car is then controllable at a relative temperature.

After you start the car, the coolant temperature is still at an average level. Therefore, it does not have enough impact to expand but only rotates the propeller.

After the coolant temperature was high, the bimetallic plate was released, causing the device to rotate at an angle. Turning such an angle causes the baffle and valve holes (bimetallic plate) to coincide. So the oil can go through and start working quickly.

After the coolant temperature drops, the bimetallic sheet will slowly shrink. The gap between the reservoir and the working cavity will close at that time, causing the oil to stay in the active cavity.

Should A Fan Clutch Spin Freely When Cold?

Should A Fan Clutch Spin Freely When Cold

Based on our knowledge, a thermal fan clutch will never spin freely unless you apply it manually.

While cold, you can only see it spin up to ¼ revolution to ½ in one cycle. If your fan clutch turns two or more wheels, this could indicate a destructive device.

Part of it can also be due to a damaged spring in it or poor quality or leaking oil in the car, thereby affecting the smoothness of the centrifuge. Because of that, this will make your experience worse.

In conclusion, it is not reasonable for a thermal clutch to rotate freely while cold. If you encounter such a situation, you need to go to a repair place to check what is wrong with your device?

The things we have just presented above only refer to the thermal fan clutch, not including the electronic fan clutch. It is because the electronic fan clutch can rotate freely while cold.

How Can I Notice That The Fan Clutch Is Not Good?


Noise coming from inside the car, especially cv joint noise when driving straight 28 is also one of the reasons that your centrifuge is not suitable. When you accelerate or go on rough terrain, the louder the noise, the more likely your device is damaged.

#Erratic changes in temperature in the car

If you feel that the temperature in your car is too hot compared to the previous time, then the fan in the vehicle is no longer suitable. As mentioned above, its main task is to adjust the most suitable temperature for the car.

In addition, car temperature gauge goes up and down while driving 27 is a phenomenon you must pay special attention to as this may be the most obvious sign.

And therefore, pay attention to this expression!

#Reduced performance, fuel loss

When the cooling device fails, it emits a constant noise that will reduce efficiency and consumption on the fuel pump.

If you let this situation happen, you will have to spend a lot of money fueling the car. Besides, it also affects your health.

Features Of Fan Clutch

  • Energy saving
  • Adjust the appropriate temperature
  • Increase interference engine life
  • Improved fuel vaporization
  • Save engine warm-up time
  • Engine cooling

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

What is the right temperature for the fan clutch to work?

As far as we know, the proper temperature for equipment to operate is about 170°F for air (180-190°F for engines). In addition, they will drop to 20°F before the machines come to a complete stop.

How long does it take to repair the fan clutch?

Usually, it takes less than an hour to get a new set of equipment. But before that, you need to provide some information to the repairman such as engine size, year of manufacture, and the name of the front centrifuge….to make it easier to repair.

How much does it cost to replace a new clutch?

Each type of equipment will have different costs for each vehicle type, but to give a specific number, the average price will fall between 140 USD and 400 USD.

How to check a bad clutch?

  • Check the fan clutch spin speed
  • Use a thermometer to measure the thermodynamics of the gas flow through the radiator
  • With your hand away from the vent, you will easily feel the temperature change.


Through the above article, we hope to have been able to help you answer the questions you encounter.

Besides, we also want to emphasize the importance of the fan clutch. Because this is an important part of using the car, it can cause unpredictable consequences if you are subjective. Therefore, regularly check the centrifuge in particular and other engines in general.

Thank you for reading!

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Is It Safe To Drive With A Bad Camshaft Sensor? Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:43:09 +0000 Each component is part of a motor device. No matter how big or small, they still take on essential roles. If a claim is damaged or poor, your car will be less efficient and less efficient.

However, many motorists seem to ignore the signs of deteriorating parts. And one of them is the camshaft sensor. Although it is small in design, when the camshaft sensor is damaged, it will significantly affect the engine and the risks when driving.

So, is it safe to drive with a bad camshaft sensor? Therefore, this article will give appropriate answers to your concerns about the above issue.

About Camshaft Sensor

About Camshaft Sensor

The camshaft sensor is a part of the engine that monitors the movement of the camshaft and provides data to the vehicle’s ECM (Engine control module). As you probably know, the journey to bring the gas and fuel mixture must take place for the engine to work well.

It happens when the valve opens and closes at the right time. And to do that, the camshaft is responsible for opening and closing the valve at the right time. When everything goes according to a particular cycle, your car will move faster and further. The combustion stroke will be misaligned if the crankshaft and camshaft are not aligned.

Tristan’s kinetic energy then contacts the valves and damages them. The most significant loss that can happen is your car’s engine failure. Therefore, the camshaft plays a substantial role in the vehicle’s equipment. However, not too many people understand its importance leading to bad situations when the camshaft malfunctions.

Is It Safe To Drive With A Bad Camshaft Sensor?

It is undoubtedly a question you will ask when you encounter a bad camshaft sensor. As we said above, the camshaft position sensor plays a significant role in the vehicle’s equipment. If the camshaft sensor is wrong, you can still drive usually. But to answer whether it is possible to drive safely with a lousy camshaft sensor, the answer is no.

The best way to see if it’s safe is to check the acceleration while running.

When the driver does not see the phenomenon of jerking or stalling when accelerating, you will drive safely. When the check engine light flashing then stops 504, it is a sign of impending danger.

Many vehicles may still be safe to drive while others are difficult to navigate. Although the level of safety depends on each vehicle model, when driving with a poor camshaft sensor, your car will operate slowly, with low performance. Therefore, with poor sensors, we need to go to repair immediately.

Is It Safe To Drive With A Bad Camshaft Sensor

Why Is The Sensor Faulty?

To fix and repair the sensor, you first need to know the causes of the faulty camshaft sensor. Many factors affect the sensor, most notably water and fuel oil stuck in the vehicle’s equipment.

Besides, during long-term use, the sensor has been corroded. In addition, it also failed from previous accidents. Oil leak due to open cover is an indirect cause of faulty camshaft position sensor. This problem occurs in many engines, and it is pretty ordinary compared to today.

Common Sign For A Bad Camshaft

  • Engines often run at low productivity or stop working. The reason is that when the sensor is wrong, it doesn’t tell you what position the camshaft is in, causing the injectors to enter the fuel at the wrong time. If you are stuck in traffic, traffic jams, this causes tremendous obstacles for vehicle drivers.
  • While running, the engine jerked or suddenly spiked. The signal comes from the powertrain control module not receiving any information transmitted by the camshaft.
  • A poorly functioning sensor will lock your vehicle’s transmission for vehicles with a message. It makes it impossible for you to move forward or reverse gears. At that point, you can just shut down and restart. It is not a problem if you run long distances, but the bridge is dangerous and causes an accident if you are going uphill.
  • When traveling on the road, if you realize that the fuel consumption is more significant than usual, but the performance is still stable, it may also be due to a problem with the sensor.
  • The engine light on or flashing is also one of the symptoms. You need to use an OBD2 scanner to find out the real cause of the light on the dashboard. In the case of lights, you should find a repair specialist to have the best solution.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

How to clean the camshaft sensor?

To avoid sensor damage, users must regularly clean the sensor with the following steps

  • Step 1 Disconnect the front engine audio
  • Step 2 Observe the front and rear of the vehicle, find the position of the camshaft
  • Step 3 Remove the sources associated with the sensor wire
  • Step 4 Tighten the bolt to remove the sensor from the device
  • Step 5 Apply oil to the new sensor and dry it
  • Step 6 Install the new sensor in its original position
  • Step 7 Reconnect CMP and test drive

How much does the repair cost?

Unlike the rear main seal replacement cost 289, fortunately, sensor repair is not expensive. If you do not have experience, you should go to a mechanic and ask them to fix it. Depending on the structure of each vehicle, repair costs vary.

Usually, it will range from $150 to $250. Seasoned people will choose to replace the sensor themselves at home for only $ 20 to $ 30. So, you don’t need to worry about this.

Does replacing the camshaft sensor yourself have any effect?

When you know the location and structure of your car, replacing the camshaft sensor yourself is the most reasonable thing. Because it saves repair costs and is free to do as you want.

But make sure to install it correctly for the motor to work correctly. You can also go online to find resources or videos on how to replace sensors at home.


The above information has answered whether it is safe to drive with a poor camshaft sensor. Not only that, the article adds to your knowledge about the issue related to the camshaft position sensor. I hope this knowledge will be of some help to you.

Thank you for reading!

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How To Disable Ford Pats System? 4 Steps Wed, 26 Apr 2023 06:51:23 +0000 As you all know, for today’s modern cars like Ford, integrating a security protection system is inevitable. However, sometimes the modernity of this system can make it difficult for the driver. 

The most obvious proof of this difficulty is when you lose your Ford car keys. At this time, you will not be able to open the car because the Pats system is activated. So how to effectively disable Ford’s Pats system? The following article will guide you through turning off this system.

What Are Ford Pats?

Pats are a transmitter located in the car’s key system. You will receive a transponder with a different code for each Ford vehicle. These codes will not overlap for each vehicle.

Remember, there will be about 18 billion combinations of codes that the Pats system can generate. Therefore, users will not be able to guess your car activation code.

In addition, for each module, Pats will create an interactive interface with the key. It will transmit data back to the module when you put it in the igniter. When the igniter ignites, it may be caused by the catalytic converter.

At this point, if you have trouble starting, try to fix the catalytic converter without replacing it temporarily .

In addition, this device will always remain in a static state. Therefore, you will not need to use additional batteries to clean the keys for your Ford model.

At the same time, a combination of both Pats and keys will be for your car to work. The car will not start and move if its magnet is not connected. When the key is in the ignition, it will contain a wire spool.

At this time, the coil will convert into electricity and run the chip inside.

What Disables The Pats Control System?

#Broken ignition device

One of the most common causes of a Ford vehicle’s Pats module failure is a faulty ignition device. Some of the reasons this part cannot work are water damaged the keys and physical damage.

At this point, the Pats module will not recognize the password. You will probably have to replace them to continue starting the car. In addition, if you leave your Ford V10 or other models inactive for a long time, it can also cause the ignition device to fail.

Therefore, when testing the Pats control system, you should not ignore the time factor.

#Unprogrammed locking system

An unprogrammed locking system will cause the Pats control system to fail. This situation can happen when you choose to replace the new key. 

At this point, to be able to program the new key, you will need to contact the Ford supplier. The staff will read and set up the code for the new essential system.

#Hardware and software damage

Hardware and software-related damage to the key system can result from physical impact causing internal components to break. In addition, faulty programming algorithms may also make your critical inoperable. At this point, check all the exterior and interior details of the key. Make sure everything is working correctly.

How To Disable Ford Pats System?

Because Ford’s Pats system is highly secure, you won’t be able to get into your car if you don’t connect the approach to the key. Like getting bugs off car, you can refer to the 4 step process below:

#1 Prepare tools

In this step, you will need to prepare all the necessary essential tools:

  • Flathead or straight edge screwdriver
  • The new key has been programmed code
  • Tape

#2 Nail the key shape

After you have prepared all the necessary tools, you can shape the key for your Ford vehicle. Step 2 is the most crucial step of the 4 steps because it determines turning off Ford’s Pats system.

The primary purpose of this step is that you will trick the car’s identification system. At this point, your vehicle will understand that you are using the transponder key. 

If you need to permanently use this type of key, you will need to cut it. At that time, you can start your Ford by inserting the key into the car’s electrical socket.

#3 Remove the chip from the transponder

Removing the chip from the transponder is the next step that you will need to do in the Ford Pats system shutdown process. To do this, remove the chip from the transponder. This disassembly will help you ignite the security system of your Ford vehicle. 

At this point, you can fully access your car with the original key. Then you take the chip away from the original keys, so it’s ready to use with the transponder. 

Finally, it will allow your car to receive your new key as the original key.

#4 Attach Transponder with a new key

After completing step 3 you must attach the transponder with your new key. At this point, you can use tape to hang the transponder on the igniter. To do this, place the chip near an area where the car can read it.

Then, plug the new key into the socket to start the Ford. If you can’t boot, it could be because your chip is misplaced. 

At this point, all you need to do is keep moving until your car can read it correctly to start the car. Doing this can sometimes be a waste of your time. Therefore, be patient because your Ford will be sure to start when the chip is in place.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Can you disable Ford Pats?

The answer is yes. You can completely turn off Ford’s Pats system in just 4 steps. It will help you fool the Ford security system when your key cannot connect to the transponder.

How do you bypass a Ford PATS key?

To bypass Pat’s key, you need to ignite the Ford security system. At this point, you will need to create the key and remove the chipset, and put it in place until the car starts. However, doing this may cause the vehicle security system to fail.

Can you bypass the transponder key?

You can bypass the car’s transponder. But doing this will not be recommended as it will make your car vulnerable to theft and vandalism because this security feature is no longer active.


Hopefully, the article will help you better understand how to turn off Ford’s Pats system. To do this, you will need to go through 4 steps. However, disabling the Pats system is not recommended because it will make your car less secure.

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Where Is Number 1 On A Hei Distributor Cap? Wed, 26 Apr 2023 06:27:56 +0000 If you are not a person with extensive knowledge of cars or a professional repairman, reading structural drawings and finding details in the car is almost impossible because there are millions of such information scattered all over the place.

And with the part named number 1 on a Hei distributor cap, this statement is even more accurate when there are 8 different lead chains, and only 1 thread carries number 1. 

So you will need to refer to the article below immediately to know where is number 1 on a Hei Distributor Cap.

What Is A Distributor Cap?

What Is A Distributor Cap?

The distributor cap is the cap that protects the distributor’s internals and keeps the contacts between the internal rotor and the spark plug wire stable.

Because to keep the wires, it’s not too strange that this end has floating joints on the top of the compartments that allow us to wire in. 

The distributor cap is usually quite fragile with its existing structure and does not have a high bearing capacity.

However, despite being so fragile, the importance of this part is undisputed. Because without this protective cover, the contacts will not have the necessary certainty.

And it would be bad if the car was moving and one of these wires broke midway. Because these conductors carry a high voltage pulse from the coil to the spark plug, which ignites the engine.

What Is Number 1 On Distributor Cap?

As mentioned above, the leads connected to the distributor cap are essential because these conductors carry high voltage pulses from the coil to the outside of the spark plug.

And this current is to trigger the combustion reaction inside the cylinder with the gas and fuel mixture. That creates the pressure that pushes the piston to rotate and drive your entire vehicle.

With an already important part, the 1st string is even more critical because the first terminal of the spark plug is the first to ignite when the engine revs.

And if there is a problem with the first round, the operation of the remaining rings cannot be stable. In addition, not starting the car how often should you start your car 32 for a long time can also damage the wires.

Where Is Number 1 On A Hei Distributor Cap And How To Find It?

Where Is Number 1 On A Hei Distributor Cap

  • Step 1: Locate the distributor cap, the part will look like a cup with spikes on it, or you can also think of the crowns used by kings and nobles
  • Step 2: Once the distributor cap is located, we need to consider the connections in this system. The points of the knob are where the distributor is connected to the spark plug by a spark plug wire. Each point relates to a spark plug, and each spark plug goes to one cylinder in your engine so that a six-cylinder car will have six conductors on the distributor cap.
  • Step 3: Find the rotor inside the dispenser under the cover. The propeller spins around like a helicopter propeller, and as it rotates, it transmits electricity to the points of the flap.
  • Step 4: Look at the distributor cap. Some manufacturers label terminal number one.
  • Step 5: Follow the wire from cylinder number one to the distributor cap to terminal number one.

You can also find end number one by manually cranking the engine until the timestamps on the camshaft and crankshaft align. When this is done, the rotor inside the distributor will point to terminal number one.

Why Do We Need to Find Number 1 On Distributor Cap?

The errors that occur in the ignition and combustion of fuel inside the engine will most likely be related to this number 1 wire. As we all know, these 8 conductors will, in turn, work from there to provide sparks to ignite the fuel.

But the system’s pattern is sequential, so if there is any abnormality, likely, the first wire is also the 1st wire. 

And if you don’t know which part is to check, it will probably be a long time before we can solve the vehicle’s problem and get back to moving.

At that point, think of this annoyance as the equivalent of a battery overloading and burning How Many Volts is a Car Battery 493.

How To Sort Numbers On Distributor?

There is no definite arrangement for the number of wires on the distributor cap. Most manufacturers already have specific instructions based on the mold they choose to make.

But each company can use a separate production process, so the difference is entirely average.

However, even with window tint glue, there is a way to remove it effectively, so it’s not impossible to determine the law of numbers on the distributor cap. And here are some tips that can help you distinguish and identify the manufacturer’s marking method.

Assuming you haven’t removed all the plug wires at once (never do if you don’t need to): Locate the cylinder numbering diagram, then trace it back to the plug end. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Does the manufacturer provide this information in the manual?

The answer is usually yes, even though they know that identifying wire 1 is generally reserved for repairers or those who have a part rather than the average user.

What are the symptoms of a poor-quality distributor cap?

Typically, a defective Hei distributor cap will produce several symptoms that alert the driver that service may be needed, such as the vehicle not starting, check engine light flashing then stops 504, or excessive or unusual engine noise.


Through today’s article, we hope you have the correct answer to the question of where is number 1 on a Hei distributor cap. From there, quickly solve problems related to this department.

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How To Clean Leather Steering Wheel? Tue, 25 Apr 2023 16:53:25 +0000 Currently, cleaning the interior of cars at home is always one of the issues that many drivers are particularly interested in. Because it will help them save a lot of money for each car cleaning. 

One of the most challenging parts for many drivers is the steering wheel. This part is made of leather, so the driver will need to fully follow the rules to clean and protect the skin effectively. The following article will guide you on how to clean leather steering wheel at home.

How To Clean Leather Steering Wheel?

To clean the interior, you can use the 4-step process below. This method is suitable for all types of automotive leather. 

It will not damage or explode your steering wheel skin. With specialized cleaning solutions, drivers will effectively protect skin color. Therefore, they should test the solution’s compatibility with the car skin to be sure it will not cause side effects.

#1 Clean with a dry cloth

At this step, you will need to wipe the steering wheel with a dry cloth before using the cleaning solution. 

The fabric used should be microfiber, dry and smooth. At that time, the cleaning will be more effective, helping the cleaner better contact the steering wheel’s surface.

#2 Apply leather cleaner to the steering wheel

Usually, a steering wheel cleaner will exist in the form of a solution. It comes in a spray bottle, and you can use it directly on the steering wheel. 

In addition, if you do not have a specialized cleaner, you can use a cleaning solution for shoe leather. This replacement will not affect the cleaning performance too much. And the remarkable thing is that it will not damage your car’s skin.

Besides, it would help if you were careful with detergents. If too much cleaning solution gets into the car’s lock system, it can damage this part. 

Therefore, if you accidentally damage the lock, you can use some tips to start the car without a key. It can help you move the vehicle to the nearest repair unit.

Therefore, if you do not want the above incident to happen, you can spray the cleaning solution on an absorbent towel and then wipe it on the surface of the steering wheel. 

Doing this will help prevent the above phenomenon from happening as much as possible.

#3 Clean the steering wheel a second time

In this step, you will use a dry microfiber cloth and proceed to wipe it in a 360-degree orbit. This technique will help clean the steering wheel more effectively.

#4 use skin conditioner

Skin conditioner is one of the products that help improve the aesthetics of your steering wheel effectively. 

Because after the cleaning process with a cleaning solution, the car leather surface may lose some of its inherent shine and smoothness. 

Therefore, using a skin conditioner will be the most effective tool to support the steering wheel skin.

At this point, you should put a drop of balm on the palm of your hand and proceed to rub the steering wheel gently. Then wait for about 30 minutes. Finally, use a microfiber towel to remove excess on the steering wheel.

Read More: What makes noise when turning steering wheel while stationary?

How To Clean Sticky Leather Steering Wheel?

How To Clean Sticky Leather Steering Wheel

Contamination of dirt or body oil is always one of the common problems of drivers. So how to remove these stains from your leather steering wheel? You can refer to the tips for cleaning the steering wheel with each specific dirt below:

#1 Shave spills on steering wheel

The stain on the steering wheel could be a soft drink or candy. Leaving this stain on the steering wheel can make them moldy and smelly for a long time. 

So, when your car encounters this phenomenon, it is best to wipe it immediately with clean water before it penetrates the skin. However, if they stay on the steering wheel for too long, you will only be able to use a leather cleaner to remove them.

#2 Wipe off excess conditioner

The excess conditioner will appear when you use too much conditioner. Then, use a dry towel and clean the excess. Because if extra oil appears, it can cause the steering wheel to stick when changing direction.

#3 Remove body oil

Body oil will appear on the steering wheel if you use the car for a long time. It can cause your steering wheel to get moldy and smell bad. 

Therefore, to get rid of body oil, you can use a soapy solution on the oil on the steering wheel. Then, wipe the steering wheel with a clean cloth.

How To Clean Spots On Steering Wheel?

To perform the removal of spots on the steering wheel, you will need to complete the following 4 steps:

  • Step 1: Wipe the steering wheel with a damp cloth
  • Step 2: Use a cleaning compound
  • Step 3: Wipe the steering wheel a second time with water
  • Step 4: Use a microfiber cloth to dry the steering wheel

In addition, in using water, you will need to minimize the amount of water flowing into the car. Because it can leak into the clock system needles. You will then need to reset the clock hands. If you cannot install it yourself, seek the help of a vehicle maintenance professional.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

How do you get grime off a leather steering wheel?

To remove all the dirt on the car steering wheel, you can follow the 4-step process above. At the same time, you need to perform a 360-degree rotating cleaning technique to clean the steering wheel as quickly as possible.

How can I make my leather steering wheel look new?

To make your steering wheel look newer, you should use a combination of detergent and leather conditioner. 

Using this at the same time will help you to both renew the steering wheel and protect the steering wheel effectively.

Can you use Clorox wipes on a leather steering wheel?

It would help if you did not use wipes and disinfectant sprays to clean the steering wheel. Because it can damage the skin. Experts recommend using soap because it’s milder than bleach. From there, the negative effects will be minimized.


Hopefully, the article will help you better understand how to effectively clean a car steering wheel. 

For each case, you can use different cleaning solutions and methods. With new stains on the surface of the steering wheel, you can use clean water to clean them. 

As for the colors that have penetrated the leather layer, the best way is to use a combination of detergent and steering wheel conditioner. This combination will help you achieve 2 goals at the same time: effectively protect and renew the steering wheel skin.

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Car Bouncing Up And Down: Cause & Repair Tue, 25 Apr 2023 09:10:05 +0000 Have you ever encountered a car bouncing up and down when traveling by your beloved car? This phenomenon is quite familiar to a lot of people. Therefore, some car owners are subjective and think that it is only due to obstacles to road terrain.

However, if this phenomenon occurs too often, you need to pay close attention. It is a warning sign that some part of your car’s interior has problems. If not repaired in time, the car’s life will be shortened.

So, let’s find out why cars bouncing up and down and how to fix them effectively.

Causes Of Car Bouncing Up And Down

Car Bouncing Up And Down

There are many causes of the car bouncing up and down. Here are the most common reasons for this phenomenon:

Damaged damping mode

All moving vehicles have a suspension system. This mode helps you drive more smoothly when going to locations with rough terrain. At the same time, the shock absorber will also help you avoid wheel slip or damage to the vehicle’s interior.

So when this mode breaks, your car will bounce up and down. You can easily recognize this when driving to places with speed bumps. Your car will reflect more than usual.

If you do not pay attention and continue driving for a long time, the tire to wear on the outside will not be protected by the shock absorber system. You may even slip and have unfortunate accidents.

Wheel problem.

The wheels have the function of helping the vehicle move. This unit must have the correct synchronization so that the car can move forward or backward precisely as you want. So, what if your wheel has a problem? When wheel alignment is poor, parts tend to be severely damaged. From there, the phenomenon of the car bouncing up and down will occur.

In addition, the outer tire is also a matter of concern. Phenomena such as flat tires or using poor quality products are also the causes of your car’s problems.

It would help if you did not drive in these situations because the possibility of an accident while moving is enormous. You need quick repairs to help prolong the life of your car.

Poor quality steering wheel

Wheels help vehicles move while the steering wheel controls your direction. This unit can rotate at will, helping you turn left, turn right or turn the car around. So the steering wheel is essential equipment, and you need to find the best products.

If you use poor quality, you will not control your car. A flawed steering system will cause the car to bounce up and down. You will not be able to steer, and it is straightforward to have unfortunate accidents. Therefore, you should not attempt to drive your vehicle when this system has problems. It would help find the right solution to fix the problem quickly.

Damaged ball joints

Damaged ball joints are also the cause of cars bouncing up and down. If this part is out of alignment, you will not move your vehicle smoothly. Worse yet, you can’t steer the car in the right direction. This part will affect both the wheel and the engine inside. Therefore, you should find the proper repair to avoid the worst cases from happening.

Leaked struts

Suspension problems are sporadic. However, it would help if you were not subjective because it is also crucial inside the car. They not only reduce performance but also unbalance the vehicle. In the long run, your car will bounce up and down.

Therefore, you should have suitable solutions for these cases. In the next section, we’ll show you ways to fix the problem.

How To Fix It Effectively?

How To Fix It Effectively

The ways to fix this phenomenon are usually straightforward. If you are mechanical savvy, you can certainly do it. Here are the most effective ways that you can easily do:

Find a new shock absorber

This method will help you solve the problem related to the damping mode. To prevent car bouncing, you need to buy a quality shock absorber. You can find car repair parts distributors to buy. This part is easy to find.

The car’s shock absorber is located under the vehicle regarding the replacement. Some models are installed on the side of the wheel to enhance the smoothness of use. So you can look up the necessary information about the car to avoid wasting time finding the location of this part.

Tire replacement

When tires have been too long, their quality will decrease, and the friction will be lost. At that time, driving will be pretty dangerous because the wheel will not stop even if you try to apply the brake pedal. Therefore, tire replacement is essential. This work is quite simple. You need to disassemble the old tires and install the new parts.

In addition, you also need to prepare some necessary tools such as new tires, wrenches, gloves, and some other items. If you do not know how to repair the process, you can refer to the instructions on the website or watch the video of Chrisfix. They will detail each step to make the repair job more manageable.

Go to service centers

Sometimes, going to a service center is the best solution. If you do not know cars, self-repair at home is impossible. You could end up making the car worse.

At repair centers, mechanical experts will examine and determine the cause of car bouncing. They will also help you fix problem parts and provide maintenance that will prolong the life of your car.


Cars bouncing up and down is not an uncommon phenomenon. Almost all cars will have this problem. However, it would help if you were not too subjective. Instead of driving, as usual, you should find the cause and take timely remedial measures. From there, your car will always be of good quality and help you drive safer.

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How Fast Can You Drive With Snow Chains? Tue, 25 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Traveling by car in snowy conditions is quite dangerous because the terrain is slippery. Therefore, the manufacturer has invented snow chains to help you move more quickly.

If you are wondering about choosing this support tool and are interested in How fast can you drive with snow chains?, this article is the answer for you. We have put together basic information to help you better understand this product.

What Are Snow Chains?

First of all, you need to know that snow chains, also known as tire chains, can increase traction to help your car move on slippery terrains such as ice and snow.

You can use these snow chains on all vehicles that use inflatable tires, including cars and trucks.

In terms of materials, the material to make snow chains is metal, mainly steel. These products have a unique structure that increases friction and better slip resistance.

Therefore, they help you maintain speed and overcome complex terrains like ice and snow. As a result, they also assist in ensuring the driver’s safety.

Why Should You Use Snow Chains?

Surely, you also wonder why you need to buy more snow chains and when to use them. As mentioned, this device can reduce slip and help you move more safely in snow and ice conditions.

In particular, this product also helps you maintain a stable speed to prevent the car from stalling. As you know, in snowy terrain conditions, you will have to go slowly, but if the rate is below 30km/h, the car may not move and turn off the engine.

At that time, adding snow chains to the wheels will help you to be able to move at a minimum of over 30km/h safely.

Besides, if you are an experienced driver and can handle fast situations, you can completely set a higher speed when adding this product to the wheel.

In short, this device is essential and suitable for moving on slippery terrain.

How Fast Can You Drive With Snow Chains?

How Fast Can You Drive With Snow Chains

Many people are most concerned about the speed with which you can move when using snow chains. 

As mentioned above, when using this device, you can move at a minimum speed of 30km / h to ensure safety and maintain a stable speed so that the vehicle can move forward.

However, you can move faster, maybe even up to 50 km / h. That is, you can safely drive at high speeds using this anti-slip assist device.

Importantly, you should only set a fast speed when handling unexpected situations and sound driving experience. In particular, weather conditions are also an essential factor affecting speed setting. If the snow is too heavy, it’s best to move more slowly.

In general, when adding snow chains, you can control the car at a speed of about 30 -55 km / h. Note, for safety, please observe the terrain and rely on your driving ability to adjust the appropriate rate.

In moving, you may encounter many other problems related to the wheels. Then, you must change tire size on the same rim correctly to ensure the vehicle runs stably.

Factors Affecting?

Next, to help you better understand how to regulate speed while moving, we’ve put together some Factors Affecting How Fast You Can Drive with Snow Chains. These factors directly impact your safety, specifically:

Terrain Status

First, the terrain is an essential factor in how fast you can move. If the snow is new and slippery, you should not accelerate but maintain a steady level.


Next, you also need to observe the weather before increasing the speed. In favorable conditions, you can travel at up to 50km/h, but if the snow is still heavily affecting visibility, try to run at 30km/h.

Snow Chains’ Conformity

Besides, the suitability of Snow Chains with tires is also a factor that you should pay attention to. If the equipment fits and holds well, traveling at high speeds is safer than using unsuitable equipment.

In addition, try to buy quality products to ensure safety if you want to move faster. In particular, the time of using the product also has a specific impact on your movement speed.

Another issue you need to be concerned about is a tire to wear on the outside. In particular, it can also be why Snow Chains are no longer suitable.

Driving experience

In the end, how fast you can travel depends on your own driving experience. You should speed up if you are a longtime driver with good situational handling ability.

How To Drive With Snow Chains Safely?

How To Drive With Snow Chains Safely

To drive safely when using Snow Chains, you need to pay attention to the issues and factors mentioned in the previous content. At the same time, it is essential to choose good quality products with effective anti-slip properties.

Besides, you need to pay attention to several more issues during your migration. Specifically:

  • First, slow down when moving into snowy terrain, especially where the new snow is relatively thin and slippery.
  • When bending or turning downhill, slow down and coordinate with the brake pedal to ensure that the vehicle moves stably.
  • It is advisable to let experienced people with quick reflexes drive on snowy roads. At the same time, if you have to travel long distances, make sure there are at least two people in the car who can take turns driving.
  • Please maintain the car in a stable state because it will be very dangerous if the car is bouncing up and down. It can affect your safety and your loved ones in the car.


In short, snow chains are essential items that you should invest in your car. In particular, it helps you to move more quickly and contributes to ensuring safety when driving.

Hopefully, with the information that we share, it has been possible to help you answer how fast you can drive with snow chains. 

Wishing you safe journeys even in extreme weather and terrain conditions such as snow or ice.

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Why Are Bentleys So Expensive? Mon, 24 Apr 2023 16:55:11 +0000 Bentley is no longer a strange name for car enthusiasts. This brand does not create large pickup trucks with many different off-road modes like Toyota, Honda, or Hyundai, priced from $250,000 to $300,000. In contrast, the cars of this brand are often high-class and luxurious.

So, why are Bentleys so expensive? There are many reasons given to explain this question. Mainly, the answers are because the car’s design and functions are of good quality. Join us to learn more about the reasons why Bentley is so expensive.

Why Are Bentleys So Expensive?

Bentley’s cars are all high-class, so the price is not low. Here are the reasons why its vehicles are expensive:

#Unique design.

The design of Bentley cars is unique. When you look at the overall look on the outside, you can easily distinguish the company’s car from other brands. The car’s design exudes a luxury that very few companies can bring.

All models show meticulous attention to detail. Currently, many brands are trying to copy Bentley’s design. However, up to now, there has not been a car with the same design.

In particular, the brand’s logo is on the car’s bonnet. Thanks to that, you can easily recognize which brand the vehicle comes from.

#Luxurious interior.

In addition to the unique design, the car’s interior also has a luxurious interior design. Bentley only uses high-quality leather materials to install its vehicles. Therefore, the company’s cars always create the most modern.

In addition, the manufacturer has also paid attention to every detail inside the car. The most comfortable features are used, for example, seats with massage mode, air conditioning, and heater. These details have shown the absolute luxury that no other car can bring.

#Long-standing brand.

Bentley has been around for more than 100 years. From the first years of its establishment, the manufacturer wanted to focus on luxury and the future. Therefore, the company’s cars are always carefully cared for.

After a series of successes in the past, Bentley has become one of the most famous car brands in the world. The company has easily defeated the existing competitors in the market. Thanks to the constant efforts, this brand has brought a lot of profit from outstanding models.

#Limited edition cars.

Unlike other brands, Bentley does not produce cars in large numbers. The company launches new models every year but in minimal quantities. It is also the reason why Bentley’s prices are pushed up. After selling those cars, the company will stop production and prepare for new models.

Limited edition products will be more sought after. Everyone aspires to own a car, and there are only a few in the world. To stand out from the crowd, they opted for limited edition cars.

#Quality of each part.

Despite the flashy appearance, the unappreciated quality will also cause the price of a product to drop. However, Bentley has successfully met both of these requirements.

Specifically, each part of the vehicle line is of absolute standard quality. The company used its production equipment. So you cannot buy pieces of this brand anywhere. The manufacturer pays attention to every detail such as tires, vehicle movement system, fuel injectors.

#W12 engine.

The unique feature that creates the value of Bentley is the engine. Unlike other popular brands, this brand uses W12 engines for its models. This unit received a lot of positive comments from mechanical experts.

Specifically, the W12 is one of the most powerful engines in the world. Thanks to this part, the company’s car will move smoothly without problems like car bouncing. Vehicles of this brand will operate smoothly in any terrain.

At the same time, this motor has excellent efficiency and longevity. So you won’t need to worry about repeated maintenance.

#Professional car manufacturing engineer.

Bentley’s success certainly has to do with professional engineers. They are all the best mechanical experts in the field of car installation. These engineers all have years of experience researching problems. Then, together, they will solve and minimize the risks that this vehicle may encounter.

Because of these excellent skills, hiring a professional is quite expensive. In particular, the company’s headquarters in the UK and the assembly stage are made entirely of labor, so labor costs are very high.

Recommend The Best Bentleys

Because Bentley has so many different models, choosing which car is really for you can be challenging. Here, we will introduce some of the best models of the company:

#2021 Bentley Continental GTC V8

One of the brand’s newest models is the GTC V8. This car has a soft, light blue color that creates luxury and modernity. This product uses a V8 engine with 542 horsepower to help the car operate smoothly on all roads.

A unique feature of this car is that it is a convertible. If you’re looking for a Bentley convertible under $300,000, this is the one to go for. Compared to other models of the same company, it can be that the GTC V8 is a very affordable car.

#2021 Bentley Flying Spur W12

Bentley Flying Spur W12 is the best quality sedan available today. This car uses a W12 engine – one of the most powerful on the market. This product can reach a top speed of up to 205 mph thanks to that.

However, the engine is not the only highlight of this model. Bentley Flying Spur W12 has a luxurious white design and the most modern interior. And especially, the price of the product is also quite reasonable. A car for only about $315,000 will become a suitable choice for those who like the brand’s models.

#1963 Bentley S3

If you are a lover of the classic, the 1963 Bentley S3 is the most reasonable choice. This product has an exquisite design but is no less luxurious. Every detail, every interior part gives it a classic feel.

However, the quality of the car is also outstanding. With a powerful engine and lightweight, Bentley S3 can move faster than other cars of the same type.


Compared to other brands, Bentley is costly. Not everyone can own products from the company. However, Bentley’s models are often very warmly welcomed. As soon as the company launched a new product, many people tried to find a way to own a limited edition car.

So for the quality that this brand brings, you will not be disappointed with the money you spend. Every detail, every part of the product shows the meticulousness of the maker.


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How Long Does A Transmission Flush Take? Mon, 24 Apr 2023 16:34:17 +0000 According to experts, all cars from economy class to high-class need periodic maintenance. It will help your vehicle run more smoothly. At the same time, the rate of accidents while driving will significantly reduce. 

One of those maintenance activities is transmission flush. This work will be pretty complicated and time-consuming. So, how long does a transmission flush take?

In fact, each car model will have a different replacement time. It usually takes 3-4 hours for professional car repairers to complete this process. Follow the article below for a complete explanation.

What Is A Transmission Flush?

What Is A Transmission Flush

Over time, transmission fluid will accumulate dirt. These impurities will hinder the transmission of the engine, thereby reducing the vehicle’s performance.

Therefore, transmission flush removes these impurities from the environment and replaces them with new fluids. Dirt will no longer be a hazard to your engine.

You need to perform a transmission flush after the car has traveled about 15,000 miles. This number can increase or decrease depending on how often you use your car. You can consult mechanical repair experts for more necessary information.

Why Is Transmission Flush Necessary?

A transmission flush is a necessary maintenance job for all vehicle models, which will help your vehicle run smoother. The dirt inside the automatic transmission will be discharged to the outside. Thanks to that, the transmission lines will always be clear.

So, if this process is not done, what will happen? Dirt will be the culprit creating a blockage inside the transmission line. When this part does not have ventilation, your car will not function properly.

If you do not follow the experts’ instructions, you will have to spend a considerable amount of money repairing the entire car.

How Long Does A Transmission Flush Take?

How Long Does A Transmission Flush Take

The transmission flush process will take quite a while. An experienced mechanic will also take 3-4 hours to complete. They will use industrial pumps and common dischargers to do this. During this process, old liquids with a lot of dirt will be flushed out.

On the other hand, this activity may take less time. If the fluid in your automatic transmission is low in the scale, it will only take you about 2 hours to complete. As for cars with a lot of dirt inside, you will need to use a lot of time.

In addition, the time to complete this job will depend on the model of vehicle you are using and the person performing it. If you go to professional repair centers, you will not wait too many hours.

Signs To Replace Transmission Fluid

The replacement of transmission fluid is essential. So, if you notice one of the following signs, make time and rush to your local repair center:

Dark brown fluid

Automatic transmission fluid will usually be bright red. If you detect a change in the color of this product, you need to perform a transmission flush promptly.

Usually, a liquid that turns dark red or brown signifies that it’s time for a replacement. The color change means that the dirt has adhered to the gearbox and changed the color of the liquid. Like the Toyota oil filter, if you don’t find a way to fix it, the quality of the car will drop significantly.

Transmission flipping

Another very recognizable sign is motion slippage. This phenomenon occurs when your engine and other components are not working correctly. The engine noises will also be heard when you start, but there is no immediate response.

Not only that, some liquid will leak out when you move. It would help if you did not attempt to drive in this situation, which is very dangerous for yourself and those around you.

Shifting feels different

Shift problems are also signs that you need to have your vehicle serviced immediately. When shifting, they make a sound that catches your attention.

In addition, your feeling when driving will also be different. At this point, you need to pay attention to the automatic transmission to check if any liquid is leaking outside. If so, you need to replace the transmission fluid to be safe quickly.

Does Transmission Flush Affect Car Quality?

Does Transmission Flush Affect Car Quality

Many people think that transmission flush can degrade the quality of the car. But the reality is not so. This operation is simply trying to flush out the dirt inside the automatic transmission, and it won’t harm your vehicle.

There are 2 ways to automatically drain the liquid on the market: external discharge and complete discharge. Both of these types will not reduce the quality of your car. They even help prolong the life of your beloved car.

Specifically, the process involves removing the drain plug and replacing it with new fluids for external flushing. This activity will not take too much time. As for the full flush, it will take you about 3-4 hours to complete. 

This work includes flushing, cleaning, filling, and a second flush. When finished, the automatic transmission fluid will be completely clean, and the transmission line will also be more open.


A transmission flush is an essential operation to enhance the car’s performance. You need to pay attention to maintenance as directed by mechanical experts to keep your car in the best condition. I hope the above article has helped you grasp the time it takes to perform the transmission flush and the importance of this work.

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How To Clean Whitewall Tires?(Solving Problem) Mon, 24 Apr 2023 07:49:30 +0000 Tires are the part that comes into direct contact with the road surface and all dirt and mud during the distance that we travel with the vehicle. 

So it’s not too difficult to understand when the tires are from the high back with high antifouling ability but still need regular cleaning to maintain durability and aesthetics.

But with Whitewall Tires, a luxury tire that is highly contaminated, it is undoubtedly more challenging to clean. To simplify this process, you should not skip the article about how to clean Whitewall tires right below.

Causes Of Whitewall Tires Contamination And Color Loss

No one can deny the beauty and aesthetics of Whitewall Tires, which are far superior to other traditional black tires. 

However, it is also because of this unique point that manufacturers have overprotected. And that is the reason why this tire is often quite easily contaminated and discolored due to many different factors.

  • The first cause is external environmental factors such as mud and dirt. Of course, contamination and problems such as color loss are inevitable with a white surface. But with this tire, the problem does not stop there.
  • There is a solid protective layer on the outside of the whitewall tires, like essential tires like 225 vs 245 tires 401, but it can easily be accidentally removed when cleaning for a reason. It is not uncommon to use the wrong detergent with too powerful ingredients to remove dirt stains.
  • Of course, the dirt will be gone, but the protective layer on the car is also damaged, leading to severe damage to the color and quality of the tires, especially Tires Load Range C vs D 406 products.

Read More: Can You Changing Tire Size On Same Rim (Solving Problem)

Read More: What Would Cause A Tire To Wear On The Outside?

How to Clean Whitewall Tires?

The steps to clean whitewall tires are not as tricky as cleaning pistons without removing. However, to make sure you do it correctly, you should carefully follow the steps below.

  • Prepare cleaning agents and necessary tools. Then move the car to a space that is large enough and has the right amount of light for us to manipulate
  • Next we will need to use a wet cloth to wipe the surface of the front tire so that it can be easily in the following steps. This action is also to ensure that dirt remaining on the wheel does not backfire and reduce the cleaner’s effectiveness.
  • Next, use the right cleaners for your tires. Remember to wet the surface with a towel first, then use a spray bottle and finally spray on the stains. You can also use a towel to soak up the cleaner and apply it directly to the tires.
  • If the colors are still stubbornly refusing to fade, you will need a stiff brush and sandpaper as well. We will also need these two items when dealing with yellow stains
  • Finally, you will have to rinse the cleaner with clean water and wait until it is scorched.

Read More: How long does an alignment take?

Why Should You Be Careful When Cleaning White Wall Tires?

As mentioned above, Whitewall Tires are inherently a dirty surface. We will often mistakenly believe that strong detergents are needed and just used in the wrong way. The risk of affecting product quality is considerable.

In addition, if you are not careful, the removal of stains will not be completed. Still, on the contrary, these agents will stick more tightly, making it difficult to manipulate or even impossible to remove.

In addition, a weak outer shell can also cause low tire pressure (how to fix low tire pressure).

Tools Needed

The cleaning process will require the use of several tools to carry out the procedures most accurately and thoroughly. 

Just like cleaning the interior of a car with household products, you can rest assured that most of these items are usually easy to find in your home as well as readily available at home.

Towels: Of course, dry or wet towels are also necessary options for you to clean all kinds of stains on the tire’s surface.

In addition, you will also need this item in the steps of preserving Whitewall Tires.

Spray bottle: The cleaner will need to be sprayed evenly in the form of a mist, so a spray bottle will be the necessary tool to do this.

Detergent: Of course, we cannot forget about detergent because water alone will not be enough to remove stubborn dirt.

Hard brush or sandpaper: If a towel is an item for handling common stains, then a stiff brush or sandpaper is the primary support tool to dislodge stubborn and even yellow stains.

Tips To Keep Tires Clean

There are many ways you can keep your Whitewall Tires clean and in tip-top shape. Here are some of the most common ways that many people do it.

  • Clean regularly: Cleaning twice a week with water and detergent dramatically reduces the risk of stains sticking to your wheels. At the same time, yellow stains are also less likely to arise.
  • Using solutions that enhance the protection and the shine of the cake is also an effective method to both increase the aesthetics and help this part last longer.
  • If you no longer use the tire, you need to wrap it carefully and store it in a place with a suitable temperature, away from direct sunlight and not too humid.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

+What cleaners should be avoided?

Detergents that are too strong or contain large amounts of a mixture of acids and ammonia-based chemicals are cleaning agents that should be because of their high corrosive potential.

+What detergents should I use?

Gentle detergents with ingredients suitable for surface treatment of Whitewall Tires are the ones you should choose.

+Can you use bleach to clean white wall tires?

Bleach often contains chlorine inside, and this is also a blackening agent, so you should not use bleach to clean Whitewall Tires.

+Can yellow tires be recovered?

You can completely restore a yellowed tire. However, the implementation process takes a long time and will undoubtedly cause significant damage when wearing away part of the outer shell of the tire.

+What is the blue stuff on my tires?

The blue stuff is a protective layer for the tire’s surface; this item is available to the manufacturer with Whitewall Tires models before being shipped from the factory and delivered to consumers.


So we know How to Clean Whitewall Tires. Hopefully, the information in today’s article can help you better preserve your tires.

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Can A Bad Neutral Safety Switch Cause Shift Problems? Sun, 23 Apr 2023 14:15:01 +0000 If you are a regular user of a manual transmission vehicle, you will not feel too unfamiliar with the neutral safety switch. Yes, this is a detail in manual transmission cars with the task of fixing the car from moving forward if there is no parking or middle ground. 

Therefore, when the safety switch fails, it will make it more difficult for drivers to control their vehicle when parking in difficult locations.

so, can a bad neutral safety switch cause shift problems?

The following article will help you recognize the signs to identify the neutral safety switch in trouble.

What Is A Neutral Safety Switch?

What Is A Neutral Safety Switch

NSS stands for neutral safety switch. It is the part commonly used in manual transmission cars. 

However, you can still see the neutral safety switch in vehicles with automatic transmissions. NSS was born with the main task of preventing the vehicle’s movement forward if it is not a parking lot or a middle yard.

So what if your car doesn’t have a neutral safety switch? This is a good question and we all must know its answer. Because it will directly affect the safety of people and vehicles. When you’re in gear, without the neutral safety switch, your vehicle could swerve forward uncontrollably, which will endanger vehicles moving around you.

Besides, the safety switch is like an electronic lock in terms of operating mechanism. Therefore, When that key is broken, you won’t start your car. At this point, the car will be disabled. In some other cases, your car may not move because you cannot change gears.

Here are 5 reasons why the neutral safety switch fails

Can A Bad Neutral Safety Switch Cause Shift Problems?

Can A Bad Neutral Safety Switch Cause Shift Problems

#Car won’t Crank When It is in Park

Normally, to start the cars, it will need the help of a neutral safety switch. But if it doesn’t start, there’s a high chance that the safety switch will no longer work. Although these errors do not always come from the safety switch, they should not be ignored.

First, the first device you need to check is the battery. Make sure your battery is working in a normal state. Next, check the spark plugs. If one of the spark plugs fails, replace it. 

Finally, check the starter motor. After you have completed all the details and no problems are detected, you will check the neutral safety switch. Maybe they were wrong in some small details.

#Clicking Sound

Clicking Sound is one of the next reasons why your gear shift safety switch is failing. When you put the car key in the ignition, you will probably hear a click. 

At this point, the first cause you should think about is the safety switch. Because this detail is closely related to the transmission and control system of the car.

In addition, the battery is also the cause of your car’s clicking sound when shifting gears. You need to make sure your battery is stable at 12.65 – 12.45 volts. Abnormal changes will affect the performance of the power system.

#No Starting Problem

Are you having trouble starting the engine? If so, then the neutral safety switch is one of the most common causes. In that case, the starter will not provide the vehicle to operate because the safety switch has blocked that power transmission. In addition, you should also check other parts if there is no fault coming from the safety switch.

#Engine Won’t Start When It’s in Neutral

Engine Won’t Start When It’s in Neutral is the next sign so you can easily recognize when the safety switch has a problem. 

Because this part will prevent the power from going to the starter powder. Then the starter will not be able to work. You should not turn the key to start the car, but focus on repairing the neutral safety switch.

#Car died while driving

It is the problem that a lot of people are facing nowadays. However, when they went through with the troubleshooting, they couldn’t find the cause. And the culprit causing your car to have this condition is a broken neutral safety switch. 

This may be a very rare cause, but it is not an exception that you should ignore. Because when the neutral safety switch fails, the power supply will not be able to provide some details in the control system. 

At that time, the source of fuel flowing in the engine will also be affected. After a period of travel without fuel, the car will die.

#Service Engine Soon Comes on

One of the warning signs that the safety neutral gear shift is failing is because the maintenance engine light is flashing. If the engine light is on, it will work normally. But when you see it flashing continuously and then off, then your car is in serious trouble. You will need to move the vehicle to a service center to check the details.

How To Swap Neutral Safety Switch?

How To Swap Neutral Safety Switch

When you know that the cause of your vehicle’s difficulty in moving is the neutral safety switch, you will need to repair the device. One widely used way is to swap out the neutral safety switch. Here is the 5-step process to perform the switch swap:

  • Step 1: What You Will Need
  • Step 2: Jack Up the Vehicle
  • Step 3: Remove the Driveshaft
  • Step 4: Remove the Neutral Safety Switch
  • Step 5: Install the New Neutral Safety Switch

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

How much does it cost to replace the neutral safety switch?

The price of the safety switch will vary depending on the supplier and the product category suitable for your vehicle. 

Also, replacing a set of switches will cost your mechanic extra. On average, the cost to invest in a new set of neutral safety switches is $160. $60 is for the repairman and $100 is for the safety switch set.

Can I bypass the neutral safety switch?

The answer is yes. You will need to turn the key to the on position to remove the neutral safety switch. Next, you’ll need to step on the brake and bring the car into neutral. You will need to start the engine and start the car in neutral mode.

What are the signs that the safety switch is in trouble?

There are many signs that a safety switch is in trouble. In addition to the signs above, you can rely on other signs such as:

  • Car Starts up in any Gear
  • Car Switches to Emergency Mode
  • Struggling to Change Gears


Hopefully, the article will help you have an overview of the neutral safety switch and the signs to recognize when this device is having a fault. 

When the safety switch has a problem, you will need to fix it immediately because it will directly affect the safety of the driver and vehicles moving around. 

To fix it, you can use the 5-step process of swapping the safety switch or taking your car to a repair center so they can best assist you.

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What Would Cause A Tire To Wear On The Outside? Sun, 23 Apr 2023 07:04:19 +0000 Tire wear is a perennial problem for every driver. Nearly every car owner experiences tire wear at some point. However, rubber tire wear has many irregularities. Typical is the uneven wear on the tires. The outer rims wear more than the wheel hubs.

Do not be subjective when you encounter such cases. Because the core cause of the above process lies in the technical parts of the vehicle. 

So, What Would Cause A Tire To Wear On The Outside?

To learn more about this issue, let’s go to the article below.

What Would Cause A Tire To Wear On The Outside?

To help you better understand why your wheels wear out, we’ve broken them down into 4 basic causes. All include:

Wheel misalignment

One of the leading causes of wheel wear is misalignment. Accordingly, the vehicle will tilt to one side, creating uneven pressure. Usually, the outer edge of the tire carries more force than the center of gravity. Depending on the offset, it can be the inside or the outside edge. 

Of course, external wear will expose car owners to many dangerous situations.

According to many of our tests, most wheel deflection comes from substantial impacts. Especially the collision of wheels with potholes on the road surface. Therefore, drivers should pay attention to driving slowly on rough roads to reduce intense contact.

Springs are not working properly.

We must confirm that the spring is one of the essential parts to help support the car against shocks on the road. What the spring has to endure every hour is the weight of the chassis. Every time your car shakes, the oven will slow down the car’s balance.

Of course, the sustainability of this division will gradually decrease. The specific manifestation is that the coil spring loses its original height. 

Accordingly, the entire chassis suspension system also decreases in height. Since then, the outer edge of the car tire is also greatly affected. Over the long term, uneven rubber wear will appear.

In general, the elastic part of the car is an indirect cause of unexpected tire wear. You must pay more attention to this part because the possibility of spring aging is very high. If the driver is observant, it is not difficult to recognize the above instability.

Due to bending of spindle or strut

The main shaft and struts carry the task of creating the structure of the vehicle and keeping the wheel in its original position. If the main post and the car’s support have problems, all 4 wheels will have problems. Almost all wheels have external wear.

The most common problem these two parts have is warping. Sometimes it only takes a small change to affect the vehicle’s structure. Tire wear will depend on more or less the curvature of the axle and struts. If you detect it early, you can completely fix uneven tire wear. Repair costs are also less expensive.

And the phenomenon of broken shafts or struts is infrequent. 

Other parts

Finally, pay attention to some other parts such as:

  • Ball joint: the above problem will cause the wheel to deflect to the outside. Although the abrasion of the outer edge is not much, the consequences of the above process are relatively dangerous.
  • The bushing life. The old bushing and not working smoothly will cause the wheel to shift. The wheel difference on the highway is a hazardous situation. Accidents can come to you at any time. 

How To Fix?

As we all know, the external wear of tires causes quite severe consequences. This section will bring you the best solutions to prevent the above technical error.

+Check often

First, check your vehicle regularly, especially before long trips. Although the material of the tire is quite durable, the possibility of problems is still high.

Usually, you can check with your driving sense or through your eyes. In general, it is not difficult to properly prevent, but you must have a little skill in detecting the car’s fault. For example, the condition of the blend door actuator is also a top priority. If you feel an abnormality coming from the wheel, you must bring the car to a test center.

+Periodic maintenance

Undoubtedly, one of the following things you have to do is routine car maintenance. A small tip is to choose reputable and professional centers. After 6000 – 8000 miles on the road, you must have your tires serviced once.

Note you still have to maintain the tire when the tire is healthy. The above works are wholly beneficial and save repair costs for you. The perception that tire maintenance is costly is entirely wrong.

+Keeping the bike balanced

Finally, keeping the balance wheel is a way of reducing the damage that few people notice. A specific manifestation of unbalanced wheels is that you park on steep roads or at the sidewalk’s edge. To improve good balance, you must be skilled at limp mode.

In addition, emergency braking also makes the vehicle easy to lose balance, affecting the axle and spring a lot. You will spend more on maintenance costs. Next, do not forget to keep the tire tension stable. 

In particular, the pressure inside each wheel must be equal. If the tire pressure drops, you must fix the pressure immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

In this section, we will answer the most common questions for you about tire problems.

+Can you get fined for bald tires?

The answer is yes. Even if you don’t cause an accident, you will still be fined. Because the bald wheel problem is dangerous to you and affects the safety of others. Almost all laws stipulate the penalty for the above case. According to our research, the money you have to pay is not small.

+Can worn tires cause shaking?

The phenomenon of vehicle vibration is also a consequence of wheel wear, but the extent is not great. Usually, the pulse will be more in the case of a punctured vehicle. Because worn tires do not have many signs, it is difficult to detect. In addition, the phenomenon of jerking has many other causes.

+What happens if your tires are too worn?

First, the tire will be easier to puncture. Sometimes a little impact also deflates the wheel. Worse is a blown tire. Not only that, but the slip has also increased. Especially when it rains and on steep roads. In addition, you also use more materials. Through this, we can see many unpredictable consequences from a worn tire. The best advice is to replace a new tire right away.


With the above information, we hope you will better understand the causes of tire wear. From there, you can derive the right solutions and ways to fix this problem. If you apply the experiences we share, bad situations with wheels are improbable.

Finally, please leave your comments and questions below the article. We will try to assist you promptly. Do not forget to share this knowledge with many people to consult and understand. Thanks for reading.

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Do Car Alarms Stop On Their Own? Sat, 22 Apr 2023 14:08:42 +0000 Thanks to modern technology, many models of cars use automatic systems. Thanks to this unit, you can detect problems when the engine is having problems. In addition, they can also chime to signal to you that someone is trying to enter your vehicle illegally.

However, sometimes the alarm system can sound even though your car is fine. Car alarms will cause a nuisance to people around.

So, do car alarms stop on their own? In fact, the system cannot automatically turn off until the power in the car is entirely exhausted. In the article below, we will show why the alarm automatically sounds and how to fix it in these cases.

How Does Car Alarm Work?

How Does Car Alarm Work

First, you need to understand how a car alarm works and go off. This alarm system will connect to the car’s control center. The indicator light and speaker will also work and receive notifications when you start this unit.

In fact, this system works quite simply. The speaker will emit a loud sound when your car has abnormal signs. And when your vehicle does not detect any activity, it will be silent even though you are on.

So car alarms are handy for those car owners. The system not only helps alert you to an unusual break-in but also helps you quickly find your car in the parking lot. You only need to use the automatic key to locate your vehicle.

Do Car Alarms Stop On Their Own?

Do Car Alarms Stop On Their Own

It is a question that many people are interested in. Because when this system sounds, the noise will be loud and annoying for people around. The sound coming from this unit is not the same as cv joint noise because the noise is very harsh.

The answer to this question is that the car alarm cannot be turned off automatically. The system has the role of notifying you that there is an unusual sign around your vehicle. So you need to check the car and use the auto key to turn off the sound.

However, there are still a few cases of sirens sounding even though you do not detect any suspicious signs. If you are experiencing this phenomenon, continue reading the article.

Why Does The Car Alarm Sound By Itself?

Why Does The Car Alarm Sound By Itself

In addition to the function of notifying that someone is approaching your car, the car alarm is also capable of informing you of unusual signs coming from inside the car. Here are the reasons why this unit beeps automatically:

Key fob error

Above the car keys is a key fob button. This device can be connected to the car’s control center. When you press the button, the car door will open, and the engine will start conducting ignition in preparation for the trip.

However, when the key fob fails, you cannot transmit the signal to the car. At that time, you cannot start your car remotely. It will also cause the car alarm to sound.

In addition, the depleted battery in the car key is also the cause of the alarm system’s sound. If you do not repair it in time, your car will become a nuisance to those around you.

Faulty bonnet latch sensor

All parts in a car need to work correctly to avoid unexpected problems. If one of the devices has an error, the car alarm will send you an audible notification.

For example, the bonnet unit requires precise sensing to ensure that the motor inside is not to outside dirt. But if the bonnet latch fails the sensor, the siren will send a signal to you. If you do not check-in time, the car alarm will keep ringing until you temporarily turn it off.

Poor bonnet latch connection

There are very few cases of poor capo latch connection. However, you still need to pay attention to this phenomenon. If you’ve checked all the parts and found nothing wrong, the bonnet is likely the cause.

When encountering such cases, you must carefully check and replace them to make the bonnet latch connection work again. If this part fails, it will affect the performance of other devices. An example is an airbag. If the bonnet is not closed, the unit will pop out for no reason, and the car alarm will also work.

Door lock sensor error

Since car alarms are automatic, they are susceptible to any object. Although there are no suspicious objects around trying to break into your car, the system still rings. So what is the reason?

The cause is simple. It may be because you have parked your car outside for too long. When it rains, rainwater seeps into the connector of the door actuator. In the long run, this unit has a door lock sensor error. As a result, the alarm system will sound for no reason.

In addition, the door lock sensor error can also come from the wires inside. The internal components will fail when used for a long time and without any maintenance methods. The wiring may have been corroded or broken.

Error alarm system

Sometimes it’s not the fault of the car’s internal components. It comes from the alarm system itself. There are a few cases where car manufacturers have improperly installed car alarms. The incorrect operation will cause the system to chime for no reason.

Therefore, you need to pay special attention to this part when buying a new car or replacing it. The fault alarm system will cause the siren to sound continuously at any time. They can even make annoying sounds at night, affecting your sleep.

How To Fix Automatic Car Alarm?

How To Fix Automatic Car Alarm

Car alarms automatically sound is not a rare phenomenon. You can quickly fix this problem at home. For the cases where the cause comes from the car’s internal components, you need to check all of them and promptly repair them. If you are a non-mechanical person, you can help car repair centers.

In case of alarm system failure, you need to disassemble the unit and start the installation again. It is widespread when people try to replace car alarms at home. Since they don’t have a lot of knowledge about cars, the building is based entirely on articles on the internet.


A car alarm can signal abnormalities around your car when you are not nearby. So this part is essential for your vehicle. However, the incorrect operation will cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, you need to find out why this part makes a noise. Since they will not turn off on their own, you must actively use the key to turn off the device temporarily. Otherwise, they will scream continuously and affect the people around them.

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