Citee Car All Need To Know About Cars Tue, 25 Apr 2023 16:53:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Clean Leather Steering Wheel? Tue, 25 Apr 2023 16:53:25 +0000 Currently, cleaning the interior of cars at home is always one of the issues that many drivers are particularly interested in. Because it will help them save a lot of money for each car cleaning. 

One of the most challenging parts for many drivers is the steering wheel. This part is made of leather, so the driver will need to fully follow the rules to clean and protect the skin effectively. The following article will guide you on how to clean leather steering wheel at home.

How To Clean Leather Steering Wheel?

To clean the interior, you can use the 4-step process below. This method is suitable for all types of automotive leather. 

It will not damage or explode your steering wheel skin. With specialized cleaning solutions, drivers will effectively protect skin color. Therefore, they should test the solution’s compatibility with the car skin to be sure it will not cause side effects.

#1 Clean with a dry cloth

At this step, you will need to wipe the steering wheel with a dry cloth before using the cleaning solution. 

The fabric used should be microfiber, dry and smooth. At that time, the cleaning will be more effective, helping the cleaner better contact the steering wheel’s surface.

#2 Apply leather cleaner to the steering wheel

Usually, a steering wheel cleaner will exist in the form of a solution. It comes in a spray bottle, and you can use it directly on the steering wheel. 

In addition, if you do not have a specialized cleaner, you can use a cleaning solution for shoe leather. This replacement will not affect the cleaning performance too much. And the remarkable thing is that it will not damage your car’s skin.

Besides, it would help if you were careful with detergents. If too much cleaning solution gets into the car’s lock system, it can damage this part. 

Therefore, if you accidentally damage the lock, you can use some tips to start the car without a key. It can help you move the vehicle to the nearest repair unit.

Therefore, if you do not want the above incident to happen, you can spray the cleaning solution on an absorbent towel and then wipe it on the surface of the steering wheel. 

Doing this will help prevent the above phenomenon from happening as much as possible.

#3 Clean the steering wheel a second time

In this step, you will use a dry microfiber cloth and proceed to wipe it in a 360-degree orbit. This technique will help clean the steering wheel more effectively.

#4 use skin conditioner

Skin conditioner is one of the products that help improve the aesthetics of your steering wheel effectively. 

Because after the cleaning process with a cleaning solution, the car leather surface may lose some of its inherent shine and smoothness. 

Therefore, using a skin conditioner will be the most effective tool to support the steering wheel skin.

At this point, you should put a drop of balm on the palm of your hand and proceed to rub the steering wheel gently. Then wait for about 30 minutes. Finally, use a microfiber towel to remove excess on the steering wheel.

Read More: What makes noise when turning steering wheel while stationary?

How To Clean Sticky Leather Steering Wheel?

How To Clean Sticky Leather Steering Wheel

Contamination of dirt or body oil is always one of the common problems of drivers. So how to remove these stains from your leather steering wheel? You can refer to the tips for cleaning the steering wheel with each specific dirt below:

#1 Shave spills on steering wheel

The stain on the steering wheel could be a soft drink or candy. Leaving this stain on the steering wheel can make them moldy and smelly for a long time. 

So, when your car encounters this phenomenon, it is best to wipe it immediately with clean water before it penetrates the skin. However, if they stay on the steering wheel for too long, you will only be able to use a leather cleaner to remove them.

#2 Wipe off excess conditioner

The excess conditioner will appear when you use too much conditioner. Then, use a dry towel and clean the excess. Because if extra oil appears, it can cause the steering wheel to stick when changing direction.

#3 Remove body oil

Body oil will appear on the steering wheel if you use the car for a long time. It can cause your steering wheel to get moldy and smell bad. 

Therefore, to get rid of body oil, you can use a soapy solution on the oil on the steering wheel. Then, wipe the steering wheel with a clean cloth.

How To Clean Spots On Steering Wheel?

To perform the removal of spots on the steering wheel, you will need to complete the following 4 steps:

  • Step 1: Wipe the steering wheel with a damp cloth
  • Step 2: Use a cleaning compound
  • Step 3: Wipe the steering wheel a second time with water
  • Step 4: Use a microfiber cloth to dry the steering wheel

In addition, in using water, you will need to minimize the amount of water flowing into the car. Because it can leak into the clock system needles. You will then need to reset the clock hands. If you cannot install it yourself, seek the help of a vehicle maintenance professional.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

How do you get grime off a leather steering wheel?

To remove all the dirt on the car steering wheel, you can follow the 4-step process above. At the same time, you need to perform a 360-degree rotating cleaning technique to clean the steering wheel as quickly as possible.

How can I make my leather steering wheel look new?

To make your steering wheel look newer, you should use a combination of detergent and leather conditioner. 

Using this at the same time will help you to both renew the steering wheel and protect the steering wheel effectively.

Can you use Clorox wipes on a leather steering wheel?

It would help if you did not use wipes and disinfectant sprays to clean the steering wheel. Because it can damage the skin. Experts recommend using soap because it’s milder than bleach. From there, the negative effects will be minimized.


Hopefully, the article will help you better understand how to effectively clean a car steering wheel. 

For each case, you can use different cleaning solutions and methods. With new stains on the surface of the steering wheel, you can use clean water to clean them. 

As for the colors that have penetrated the leather layer, the best way is to use a combination of detergent and steering wheel conditioner. This combination will help you achieve 2 goals at the same time: effectively protect and renew the steering wheel skin.

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How To Clean Whitewall Tires?(Solving Problem) Mon, 24 Apr 2023 07:49:30 +0000 Tires are the part that comes into direct contact with the road surface and all dirt and mud during the distance that we travel with the vehicle. 

So it’s not too difficult to understand when the tires are from the high back with high antifouling ability but still need regular cleaning to maintain durability and aesthetics.

But with Whitewall Tires, a luxury tire that is highly contaminated, it is undoubtedly more challenging to clean. To simplify this process, you should not skip the article about how to clean Whitewall tires right below.

Causes Of Whitewall Tires Contamination And Color Loss

No one can deny the beauty and aesthetics of Whitewall Tires, which are far superior to other traditional black tires. 

However, it is also because of this unique point that manufacturers have overprotected. And that is the reason why this tire is often quite easily contaminated and discolored due to many different factors.

  • The first cause is external environmental factors such as mud and dirt. Of course, contamination and problems such as color loss are inevitable with a white surface. But with this tire, the problem does not stop there.
  • There is a solid protective layer on the outside of the whitewall tires, like essential tires like 225 vs 245 tires 401, but it can easily be accidentally removed when cleaning for a reason. It is not uncommon to use the wrong detergent with too powerful ingredients to remove dirt stains.
  • Of course, the dirt will be gone, but the protective layer on the car is also damaged, leading to severe damage to the color and quality of the tires, especially Tires Load Range C vs D 406 products.

Read More: Can You Changing Tire Size On Same Rim (Solving Problem)

Read More: What Would Cause A Tire To Wear On The Outside?

How to Clean Whitewall Tires?

The steps to clean whitewall tires are not as tricky as cleaning pistons without removing. However, to make sure you do it correctly, you should carefully follow the steps below.

  • Prepare cleaning agents and necessary tools. Then move the car to a space that is large enough and has the right amount of light for us to manipulate
  • Next we will need to use a wet cloth to wipe the surface of the front tire so that it can be easily in the following steps. This action is also to ensure that dirt remaining on the wheel does not backfire and reduce the cleaner’s effectiveness.
  • Next, use the right cleaners for your tires. Remember to wet the surface with a towel first, then use a spray bottle and finally spray on the stains. You can also use a towel to soak up the cleaner and apply it directly to the tires.
  • If the colors are still stubbornly refusing to fade, you will need a stiff brush and sandpaper as well. We will also need these two items when dealing with yellow stains
  • Finally, you will have to rinse the cleaner with clean water and wait until it is scorched.

Read More: How long does an alignment take?

Why Should You Be Careful When Cleaning White Wall Tires?

As mentioned above, Whitewall Tires are inherently a dirty surface. We will often mistakenly believe that strong detergents are needed and just used in the wrong way. The risk of affecting product quality is considerable.

In addition, if you are not careful, the removal of stains will not be completed. Still, on the contrary, these agents will stick more tightly, making it difficult to manipulate or even impossible to remove.

In addition, a weak outer shell can also cause low tire pressure (how to fix low tire pressure).

Tools Needed

The cleaning process will require the use of several tools to carry out the procedures most accurately and thoroughly. 

Just like cleaning the interior of a car with household products, you can rest assured that most of these items are usually easy to find in your home as well as readily available at home.

Towels: Of course, dry or wet towels are also necessary options for you to clean all kinds of stains on the tire’s surface.

In addition, you will also need this item in the steps of preserving Whitewall Tires.

Spray bottle: The cleaner will need to be sprayed evenly in the form of a mist, so a spray bottle will be the necessary tool to do this.

Detergent: Of course, we cannot forget about detergent because water alone will not be enough to remove stubborn dirt.

Hard brush or sandpaper: If a towel is an item for handling common stains, then a stiff brush or sandpaper is the primary support tool to dislodge stubborn and even yellow stains.

Tips To Keep Tires Clean

There are many ways you can keep your Whitewall Tires clean and in tip-top shape. Here are some of the most common ways that many people do it.

  • Clean regularly: Cleaning twice a week with water and detergent dramatically reduces the risk of stains sticking to your wheels. At the same time, yellow stains are also less likely to arise.
  • Using solutions that enhance the protection and the shine of the cake is also an effective method to both increase the aesthetics and help this part last longer.
  • If you no longer use the tire, you need to wrap it carefully and store it in a place with a suitable temperature, away from direct sunlight and not too humid.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

+What cleaners should be avoided?

Detergents that are too strong or contain large amounts of a mixture of acids and ammonia-based chemicals are cleaning agents that should be because of their high corrosive potential.

+What detergents should I use?

Gentle detergents with ingredients suitable for surface treatment of Whitewall Tires are the ones you should choose.

+Can you use bleach to clean white wall tires?

Bleach often contains chlorine inside, and this is also a blackening agent, so you should not use bleach to clean Whitewall Tires.

+Can yellow tires be recovered?

You can completely restore a yellowed tire. However, the implementation process takes a long time and will undoubtedly cause significant damage when wearing away part of the outer shell of the tire.

+What is the blue stuff on my tires?

The blue stuff is a protective layer for the tire’s surface; this item is available to the manufacturer with Whitewall Tires models before being shipped from the factory and delivered to consumers.


So we know How to Clean Whitewall Tires. Hopefully, the information in today’s article can help you better preserve your tires.

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What Would Cause A Tire To Wear On The Outside? Sun, 23 Apr 2023 07:04:19 +0000 Tire wear is a perennial problem for every driver. Nearly every car owner experiences tire wear at some point. However, rubber tire wear has many irregularities. Typical is the uneven wear on the tires. The outer rims wear more than the wheel hubs.

Do not be subjective when you encounter such cases. Because the core cause of the above process lies in the technical parts of the vehicle. 

So, What Would Cause A Tire To Wear On The Outside?

To learn more about this issue, let’s go to the article below.

What Would Cause A Tire To Wear On The Outside?

To help you better understand why your wheels wear out, we’ve broken them down into 4 basic causes. All include:

Wheel misalignment

One of the leading causes of wheel wear is misalignment. Accordingly, the vehicle will tilt to one side, creating uneven pressure. Usually, the outer edge of the tire carries more force than the center of gravity. Depending on the offset, it can be the inside or the outside edge. 

Of course, external wear will expose car owners to many dangerous situations.

According to many of our tests, most wheel deflection comes from substantial impacts. Especially the collision of wheels with potholes on the road surface. Therefore, drivers should pay attention to driving slowly on rough roads to reduce intense contact.

Springs are not working properly.

We must confirm that the spring is one of the essential parts to help support the car against shocks on the road. What the spring has to endure every hour is the weight of the chassis. Every time your car shakes, the oven will slow down the car’s balance.

Of course, the sustainability of this division will gradually decrease. The specific manifestation is that the coil spring loses its original height. 

Accordingly, the entire chassis suspension system also decreases in height. Since then, the outer edge of the car tire is also greatly affected. Over the long term, uneven rubber wear will appear.

In general, the elastic part of the car is an indirect cause of unexpected tire wear. You must pay more attention to this part because the possibility of spring aging is very high. If the driver is observant, it is not difficult to recognize the above instability.

Due to bending of spindle or strut

The main shaft and struts carry the task of creating the structure of the vehicle and keeping the wheel in its original position. If the main post and the car’s support have problems, all 4 wheels will have problems. Almost all wheels have external wear.

The most common problem these two parts have is warping. Sometimes it only takes a small change to affect the vehicle’s structure. Tire wear will depend on more or less the curvature of the axle and struts. If you detect it early, you can completely fix uneven tire wear. Repair costs are also less expensive.

And the phenomenon of broken shafts or struts is infrequent. 

Other parts

Finally, pay attention to some other parts such as:

  • Ball joint: the above problem will cause the wheel to deflect to the outside. Although the abrasion of the outer edge is not much, the consequences of the above process are relatively dangerous.
  • The bushing life. The old bushing and not working smoothly will cause the wheel to shift. The wheel difference on the highway is a hazardous situation. Accidents can come to you at any time. 

How To Fix?

As we all know, the external wear of tires causes quite severe consequences. This section will bring you the best solutions to prevent the above technical error.

+Check often

First, check your vehicle regularly, especially before long trips. Although the material of the tire is quite durable, the possibility of problems is still high.

Usually, you can check with your driving sense or through your eyes. In general, it is not difficult to properly prevent, but you must have a little skill in detecting the car’s fault. For example, the condition of the blend door actuator is also a top priority. If you feel an abnormality coming from the wheel, you must bring the car to a test center.

+Periodic maintenance

Undoubtedly, one of the following things you have to do is routine car maintenance. A small tip is to choose reputable and professional centers. After 6000 – 8000 miles on the road, you must have your tires serviced once.

Note you still have to maintain the tire when the tire is healthy. The above works are wholly beneficial and save repair costs for you. The perception that tire maintenance is costly is entirely wrong.

+Keeping the bike balanced

Finally, keeping the balance wheel is a way of reducing the damage that few people notice. A specific manifestation of unbalanced wheels is that you park on steep roads or at the sidewalk’s edge. To improve good balance, you must be skilled at limp mode.

In addition, emergency braking also makes the vehicle easy to lose balance, affecting the axle and spring a lot. You will spend more on maintenance costs. Next, do not forget to keep the tire tension stable. 

In particular, the pressure inside each wheel must be equal. If the tire pressure drops, you must fix the pressure immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

In this section, we will answer the most common questions for you about tire problems.

+Can you get fined for bald tires?

The answer is yes. Even if you don’t cause an accident, you will still be fined. Because the bald wheel problem is dangerous to you and affects the safety of others. Almost all laws stipulate the penalty for the above case. According to our research, the money you have to pay is not small.

+Can worn tires cause shaking?

The phenomenon of vehicle vibration is also a consequence of wheel wear, but the extent is not great. Usually, the pulse will be more in the case of a punctured vehicle. Because worn tires do not have many signs, it is difficult to detect. In addition, the phenomenon of jerking has many other causes.

+What happens if your tires are too worn?

First, the tire will be easier to puncture. Sometimes a little impact also deflates the wheel. Worse is a blown tire. Not only that, but the slip has also increased. Especially when it rains and on steep roads. In addition, you also use more materials. Through this, we can see many unpredictable consequences from a worn tire. The best advice is to replace a new tire right away.


With the above information, we hope you will better understand the causes of tire wear. From there, you can derive the right solutions and ways to fix this problem. If you apply the experiences we share, bad situations with wheels are improbable.

Finally, please leave your comments and questions below the article. We will try to assist you promptly. Do not forget to share this knowledge with many people to consult and understand. Thanks for reading.

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How To Fix Low Tire Pressure? 5 Easy Steps Mon, 03 Apr 2023 08:14:58 +0000 To evaluate the quality of a car, in addition to appearance and engine system, tires are also one of the essential factors that you will not ignore. With each set of tires as good as Douglas, it is sure to bring a good user experience. 

However, it becomes terrible when it encounters low pressure with any tire product. Then you will be in danger of having to drive with this tire. So, how to fix low-pressure problems for car tires? The following article will guide you to do that.

What Causes Low Tire Pressure?

What Causes Low Tire Pressure

With excellent quality tires like Hercules, it can also withstand sharp objects on the road. Therefore, if you accidentally grind those sharp objects, it is very likely that your car has a puncture. At that time, the pressure drop is inevitable. 

In addition, the fact that this problem occurs with your vehicle can be caused by many different reasons:

  • Curved wheel or rim
  • There is a nail appearing in the tire
  • Sudden change in temperature
  • Open fuel pump valve
  • Old, worn tires

These problems will be difficult to overcome while traveling on the highway. Therefore, the best way is to prepare a spare tire in case of emergency. Thanks to that, you can continue to move to car maintenance centers and ask for the help of technical staff.

What Are The Consequences Of Driving With Low Tire Pressure?

The most significant consequence when you have to drive with low tire pressure is unsafe for both people and vehicles. With a failed tire, you will inevitably have to travel with a rim that doesn’t. The rubber layer will have no effect. At that time, your driving speed will significantly reduce. 

At the same time, you will feel discomfort while driving.

In addition, if you still intentionally drive with such a tire, it will cause that tire to be crushed and cannot be reused. At the same time, the rim will appear warped. With good tires like Whitewall, it also cannot withstand the enormous load of the car in low-pressure conditions.

Therefore, if you do not want to consume more fuel and minimize the negative impact on the tires, you should stop immediately. Ask for help from car rescuers when you can’t fix the problem yourself.

So, for drivers who have a tire inspection and repair kit available, what should they do? They will need to follow the 5 steps below to make this work.

How To Fix Low Tire Pressure?

How To Fix Low Tire Pressure

Step 1: Remove the valve stem cover

You will need to screw the plastic cap on the car valve body in this step. Also, with some steel rims with wheel covers, you’ll need to remove all of those caps as well. After that, put the plastic cap in a safe place because it is pretty tiny. 

Therefore, it is straightforward to lose the screw cap. In addition, leaving the screw cap in an unsafe place can cause dirt to accumulate in the cap. Then your tires will not be safe.

Step 2: Use a pressure gauge to check

You will need to place the tire gauge nozzle on the valve stem in this step. Then check the sheer number on the analog watch and look at the index hands. However, with some digital surveillance, you will need to press the activation button to use it.

Step 3: Conduct the test

After you have measured the pressure on the tire, you need to compare the actual reading with the recommended reading from the manufacturer. In this case, you can easily find the tire safety index on the body. 

However, if you can’t find that indicator, go to the provider’s website. That place will give you all the information about the set of tires you are using.

Step 4: Use the air pump

After you have checked and found that your tires have a lower rating than the recommended rating, you need to use an air pump. However, you should not pump gas with a rating equal to that recommended by the manufacturer. Pump lower than that.

To pump, you need to place the end of the hose on the valve body and make sure it is clamped in place. If you hear a hissing sound, you won’t inflate the tire. After a period of inflation, you will need to check the tire pressure. 

If the tire is too inflated, it will not be safe for the user. To reduce the amount of gas, you can use a sharp object to press the valve core to reduce the pressure to the allowable level.

Step 5: Done

After making sure that everything is safe, you can continue to drive the car.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

+How much does it cost to fix low tire pressure?

The average cost for TPMS sensor replacement is between $205 and $250. As for the labor cost, it can cost from 54 to 68 dollars. 

In addition, each set of tires from the manufacturer will have different prices. You can consider before proceeding with the replacement.

+Why won’t my low tire pressure light go off?

If the low tire pressure warning light does not turn off, it could be because its TPMS sensor is faulty. Then, to fix it, you should replace this sensor.

+How do you know which tire is low?

To know if your tire pressure is low or high, you must use a specialized test kit. In addition, you need to know the exact pressure readings recommended by the manufacturer to compare.


Hopefully, the article will help you better understand fixing low tire pressure problems. 

There are many causes for your tire pressure to drop to the recommended level. In some cases, you can fix this problem yourself using available tools. 

However, in cases where you cannot fix it yourself: nails in the tires, bent rims, etc., you should seek the help of a lifeguard. Do not use the vehicle in a state of low tire pressure to ensure the safety of both people and the car.

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How to Unlock Steering Wheel Without Key?(Solving Problem) Tue, 28 Mar 2023 07:25:34 +0000 Indeed, in the process of operating and using the car, there will be several times when we forget, lose the key, or encounter problems related to the lock, thereby hindering the use of the steering wheel and the activation of the vehicle.

While these incidents will not happen too often, it would be terrible to encounter these risks when we need to move quickly.

So you will need to know the skills to help unlock the steering wheel without a key to be able to act when required. And in today’s article, we will introduce you to all you need to know about the necessary skills and manipulations.

What is Steering Wheel Lock?

The steering wheel lock is a protection mechanism that almost all models from the classics of the last decade to today’s newer models have built in. If SRS is a mechanism to protect the user from danger, the steering wheel lock is a mechanism to protect the car from thieves.

Usually, we can’t see the working mechanism of the lock directly because the system is generally inside the floating shaft between the steering wheel and the car, but just a few simple steps, the lock is closed, and your car will be locked.

What Causes The Steering Wheel To Be Locked?

Usually, manufacturers will set the lock inside the steering wheel to work every time the car is off, and the key is no longer in the car. In other words, as long as you turn off the car engine and then remove the key or take any action that leads to the key leaving the lock, the steering wheel lock will automatically activate.

So just like failures in the ignition lock cylinder chevy, a problem with the ignition will also prevent the vehicle from operating.

Besides, the following reason your steering wheel is still locked is to ensure the vehicle’s safety. Because even if you remove the key, thieves can still use hotwire technology to activate the car without needing to lock the vehicle indirectly.

 And if there is no lockset, the thief can efficiently operate the car and perform his theft.

What Do You need To Unlock The Steering Wheel?

To perform steering wheel unlocking operations, you will need some specialized tools in repair. Although they are specialized tools, you can easily find these items right in your home.

  • WD40: Rust is always the leading problem leading to the failure of mechanically operated mechanisms. But fortunately, thanks to the introduction of WD40, we can quickly deal with these damages and prevent rust from appearing again.
  • Screwdrivers, hammers, chisels: Basic tools that almost all the steps range from as complicated as editing internal engine parts to as simple as open a locked car door need to be used
  • Compressed air tank: A can of compressed air is an effective tool for dealing with the amount of dust that collects in the joints of the lock.

Read More: How to remove steering wheel cover once it’s worn out?

How to Unlock a Steering Wheel Without a Key?

There are a total of 3 main ways you can experiment. Each method will require different steps.

Method 1: Unlocking The Steering On Your Own

The easiest method that you can try is through the following 4 steps:

  • Plugin the car key and try the operation: First, you need to prepare the key before operating. When starting out, we will try to insert the key and turn the ignition simultaneously, but be careful to apply moderate force to avoid damaging the lock and key. You can also try turning the wheel in the direction you turned before the wheel locked, or try both sides if you can’t remember.
  • Try a different key: Most likely, the problem is with the key you are using because with just a minor damage, the key and lock grooves will no longer fit together, and you will have to replace a new key
  • Using WD40: Rust, dirt, or other solids trapped in the lock will not survive and prevent you from activating the unlocking mechanism.
  • Use a hammer to knock: An operation that seems quite strange but compelling is to try to insert the key into the lock and hammer a few times. We need to be careful not to hit it straight to avoid bending or breaking the key.

Method 2: Unlocking Through Ignition Set Replacement

Similar to the first method, you will need to use 4 steps to complete this operation

  • Step 1: Remove the mast plates in the hoist by unscrewing the screws securing the lower fork of the hoist.
  • Step 2: Lock the cylinder. To locate the cold cylinder lock, you need to release the tab in the locking system and push it down. At the same time, you need to turn the lock until the cylinder moves backward.
  • Step 3: Install the new electric lock system and try to unlock it with the old key.
  • Step 4: Reassemble the column plates in the hoist. You need to fix and tighten the screws back to their original position.

Method 3: Unlocking By Using Loosening Sticky Locks

  • Step 1: Spray cleaner like WD40 on the lock.
  • Step 2: After using the cleanser, you need to spray compressed air into the lock. This way, you will remove dirt and foreign objects from the safety.
  • Step 3: Use the key to turn it back and forth many times until the steering wheel is unlocked. In some cases, the legend has chipped teeth, making it impossible to connect the key to the steering wheel. You need to replace the key with a new one or contact the service agent to fix it.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

+Can a steering wheel lock while driving?

The steering wheel never locks itself when we are using it unless this part encounters severe errors from the inside of the system. So you don’t have to worry about the steering wheel suddenly becoming unusable while on the road.

+How much does it cost to unlock a steering wheel?

The cost of unlocking the steering wheel can range from $100-400 depending on the stage of the damage. In some lucky cases, you will have to pay the exact cost of patching a tire.

+What happens if my steering wheel locks up?

If your steering wheel suddenly locks while driving, you won’t be able to turn your wheels to navigate out of the way, leading to a severe car accident if a vehicle tries to pass you.


Through today’s article, we hope that you can know the methods to unlock the steering wheel without the key and apply them in vehicle operation and maintenance.

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Who Makes Douglas Tires? Is It Worth Money? Sun, 26 Mar 2023 10:14:10 +0000 Tires are an essential part of the vehicle, and it is the object in direct contact with the road surface to receive a lot of impacts. 

So you will need to find a product that guarantees quality and safety to drive with peace of mind. Besides Hankook tires  or Milestar tires, Douglas tires are options worth considering.

With many different prices and low prices, many people are interested in Douglas tires. And a problem most users ask is who makes Douglas tires. In this article, we will help you to clarify.

Who Makes Douglas Tires? 

Who Makes Douglas Tires

1935s, Goodyear officially acquired the Kelly Springfield Tire Company. After operating for a while, Goodyear entered into an exclusive agreement with Walmart in 1992.

Many people think Douglas Tires is just a cheap version of Goodyear Tires, but it is not. Since its first appearance on the market, during its 25 years of operation, Douglas Tires has created a solid position for itself.

Generally, the Goodyear Tire company manufactures Douglas Tires, and Walmart is the sole seller.

In 1894, Edwin Kelly and Arthure Grand founded the Kelly-Springfield Tire Company in Springfield, Ohio. In 1935, this construction officially became a wholly-owned Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company subsidiary.

Goodyear is a well-established and well-established traditional tire company, so in 1922 Kelly-Springfield continued to be absorbed by the parent company. Since then, it has specialized in the production of Douglas tires.

Interestingly, there are 54 American tire brands for cars, trucks, and agricultural vehicles manufactured by Kelly-Springfield. As a result, the company has become the most important manufacturer of custom-made brand tires and the world’s leading producer of agricultural tires.

What Types Of Douglas Tires Are There?

Currently, the company offers 2 basic types of tires: all-season tires and performance tires.


All-season tires are standard products for family cars used on the road as a daily vehicle. With the design of circumferential grooves, the tire has a good grip on wet or non-glass surfaces. You can use it without worrying about the influence of the weather.

Performance tires

Performance tires are a good choice for those who love sports cars. Although it is more expensive than all-season tires, it is worth the cost.

Crafted with specialized materials and a unique design, it offers better handling, traction, and mobility. Furthermore, the circumferential grooves and symmetrical spikes provide excellent traction in all seasons.

Are Douglas Tires Any Good?

Are Douglas Tires Any Good

Douglas tires are reasonable, and you can find many positive reviews about the product. They are reasonably priced, quality assured, and can last for many years. Here is a brief review of Douglas tires:


Despite being much cheaper than leading tire brands, Douglas tires are always reliable and safe. Since its launch, the manufacturer has continuously updated and improved the overall design to bring safety to any driver.

While it still doesn’t deliver the same performance as top brands, we appreciate its handling. The company offers products that work pretty well on most road surfaces and weather conditions but still ensure safety.

Fits the budget

Without a doubt, Douglas tires are a great choice if your budget is tight. No matter how much money you have, you can find a suitable set of Douglas tires. It can be that this is the reason why Douglas tires have become a popular product today.

Good warranty

Warranty service brings many advantages to Douglas tires. Walmart offers a tremendous 45k mile walking shoe warranty, so you can get in touch for help when you have a tire problem.

However, applying the regime is to buy tires with him at Walmart stores. If you purchase elsewhere, unfortunately, you have to pay the total cost of the repair.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

1.Why are Douglas tires so cheap?

Since the manufacturer offers the products for the internal brand to meet most users, Douglas tires are pretty cheap compared to standard tires but still have good quality.

2.What is the lifespan of Douglas tires?

Douglas tires’ life is in mileage. And the manufacturer offers a 45km warranty and a T speed rating on the all-season tires, while the performance tires are rated H.

3.Are Douglas tires quiet?

D’s tires are relatively quiet as a famous tire brand with an intelligent tread design. However, it would help if you still cleaned the tires to ensure aesthetics and avoid objects that make the tires run poorly. The procedure is similar to how clean Whitewall Tires .

4.When do I need to change my Douglas tires?

Changing Douglas tires depends on many factors, but you can usually determine by checking the tire wear. Heavy use on different terrain will cause tire wear, and at some point, you need alignment tires. Get ready for the next trip.


We think the relatively low price shouldn’t fool you when it comes to Douglas tires. While the quality and performance can’t be compared today’s leading brands, it still provides impressive safety and performance in the basic sense.

In short, if you are looking for affordable and budget-friendly tires, then you can consider Douglas tires. Besides, I hope you will know who makes Douglas tires with the information that we share.

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How Long Does An Alignment Take? Sat, 25 Mar 2023 16:00:19 +0000 Alignment is an action that you will need to perform throughout the entire life of operating and controlling your vehicle. Because problems will not stop appearing as long as the car is running, you will need to intervene to balance and adjust if you want the control to remain smooth and the vehicle to stay safe. 

When it comes to alignment, tires are one of the essential parts that you need to align. But luckily, this process only takes a moment for you. 

So, If you want to know how long does an alignment take, the following article will provide you.

What Is A Tire Alignment?

What Is A Tire Alignment

Just like the process of adjusting many other parts of the vehicle, tire alignment is the process of acting on each wheel on the car, thereby bringing these parts to the correct position relative to the remaining reels. 

Not only that, but this process also creates a balance between the wheel’s center of gravity and the road surface to ensure stability when moving.

Many different mechanisms and support systems come into play during tire alignment on a vehicle. So unlike many simple repair processes like reset miles on a car, you will need the help of experienced and technical mechanics.

Is Tire Alignment Necessary?

First, we need to know about the primary purpose of tire alignment. Aligning the tires will help bring the wheels and axles perpendicularly, creating similarity during operation. If these parts move in the most common approach, the vehicle’s stability will be significantly enhanced. And flexibility is closely related to the driver’s stability and safety.

We all know that cars and vehicles with a driver inside put safety first. So we can say that tire alignment is necessary.

How Do I Know I Need An Alignment?

It doesn’t take a lot of special equipment to know when to align the tires on your vehicle. Because with the naked eye, we can know when to clean the Whitewall Tires, then just with familiar driving feeling, you can also understand that the tire is operating unstably. Here are some sensations you may feel when your tires need alignment

  • Pull hard in one direction
  • Light pull
  • Steering wheel vibration
  • The steering wheel is crooked

Uneven tire wear causes an imbalance in the vehicle’s center of gravity.

How Long Does An Alignment Take?

How Long Does An Alignment Take

We can easily see that alignment in general and wheel alignment, in particular, is necessary for the vehicle to operate normally. However, the alignment itself is also a complex process and requires a high degree of precision.

But fortunately, thanks to the significant development of many types of equipment and manufacturing technology, today’s machines can better support the manipulation process. Thereby shortening the time required to align down to an acceptable level. Usually, the total time for this process will fall in the range of 1 to 2 hours for a complete cycle.

But in such a process, you will have to go through the following steps:

  • Take the vehicle to the shop, then provide the specs to the technician so they can set their equipment to the state that best suits our truck.
  • Before starting the wheel alignment process, the check step will appear. It’s all checked in one go from the car’s shock absorbers to every bolt and even system failure. Thanks to these steps, the alignment process can achieve the best results.
  • The alignment will take place, and it will take some time for you to test drive and determine if the bike is balanced.

In addition, an accompanying procedure needs to be performed besides wheel alignment called wheel balancing. If you do it all the time, it will take you 40 minutes to 2 hours of extra work. This period is sufficient to balance the wheels to the correct gauge using the appropriate machinery.

What Can Make a Tire Alignment Take Longer?

1 to 2 hours is the time it takes to align the tires. But in fact, this number often tends to be longer due to the impact of several objective and subjective factors.

Different media types may take longer to align

Each car line has a somewhat different structure, although they still use the same standard body shape. So it’s not too surprising that some luxury cars with complicated designs like Volvo take a long time and cost to maintain and align. Meanwhile, products in the mid-end and popular segments are easy to manipulate, thereby shortening the time.

Components’ condition is adjusted during alignment.

If components have experienced excessive damage, alignment may not be possible, and intervention may reduce these damages to an acceptable level. This auxiliary repair process can increase the time needed to operate.

Technician’s Experience

A good technician can help you reduce the operation time significantly. In contrast, even if he does not damage the vehicle, an inexperienced mechanic will still increase the time it takes to operate seriously.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Is It OK To Drive With Bad Alignment?

It can be that driving a car that does not align well is like using a vehicle with metal shavings in oil and knocking. These conditions can lead to unfortunate accidents if you don’t fix them soon.

How Much Does An Alignment Cost?

The cost of alignment is also not as expensive as we often imagine. You only need to spend $ 200 for an alignment.

How often should I get a tire alignment?

Once a year is the right number to adjust to help the car operate more stably.


Tire alignment can be fast or slow, depending on many different factors. And hope you were able to explain why the process of manipulating your vehicle took so long.

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Can You Changing Tire Size On Same Rim (Solving Problem) Fri, 24 Mar 2023 07:32:35 +0000 Improper tires can directly affect your car’s performance, and it’s essential to double-check them to make sure they can maintain reliable traction while driving. If you are not satisfied with the tires you are using, you can replace them with better-quality tires.

As such, it will help enhance the overall performance of the vehicle. If you can’t find a tire that matches the size of the rim, is it possible to change tire size on the same rim? Check this article below for details!

The Inner Diameter Of The Tire Must Match The Rim

If you want to change your tire size but use only one type of rim, you need to take care of the inner diameter of the tire. Because it is an essential component that allows you to perform this placement operation. 

On the other hand, it means that the inner edge of your tire should match your rim diameter. It’s easier to understand; it’s the same way you have to align after replacing tires.

However, in some exceptional cases, your tire width does not have to match the rim’s width completely. They need to be relative to each other to connect.

For convenience, you should preview the desired tire size. You need to know how to read the numbers displayed on the side of the tire. 

For example, with P250/55R17, you can understand its meaning as follows:

  • The letter P: It is the letter to indicate that this is a tire used for passenger vehicles.
  • The number 250: Indicates the width of the tire, and it is in millimeters.
  • The part after the slash: It represents the aspect ratio.
  • Letter R: It is the letter that refers to the tire’s structure.
  • Number 17: It is the parameter indicating the inside diameter of the product, measured in inches.

Read More: What Would Cause A Tire To Wear On The Outside?

Things To Consider Before Resizing Says

Wider tires may have better contact with the road, but in reality, if you don’t stop it, it’s more likely to cause unintentional injuries. If you let them come into contact with too significant an obstacle, it can damage your tires.


First, you need to consider the size of the wheel well. Because it is a prerequisite to ensure you have many safe journeys with your desired tire. Above all, you need to pay attention to how much room your tires have in the wheel.

Your tires need room to turn, to help them survive and navigate smoothly on uneven terrain or turns. In theory, we can ultimately expand the tire by expanding the outside diameter. However, it is not a good idea for your trip. 

Meanwhile, many users insist that where are Hercules tires made? can better support this action and provide a safe experience. But, with much objective evidence we have gathered, it is not quite as perfect as previous statements.

Tire size affects performance.

Wider tires also increase friction with the contact surface. And of course, the noise from there is also a lot and affects your experience. Changing the outside diameter of a tire can affect transmission operations. It can even damage the speedometer and odometer. 

Or if it is more serious, it also causes a reduction in engine power, which is the leading cause of making every desired movement you want difficult.

Therefore, we must establish a stable tire diameter. If you change the tire diameter, you will make each mileage more valuable and meaningful. So is the difference of a few inches reasonable?

Such a difference is not okay with your request to have a light trip. It would help if you closed that gap to get a better feel for your movement.

Is It Possible To Change Tire Size On The Same Rim?

You can completely resize your tires with the same rims if you are sure the tire and rim are the same diameter or equivalent. 

However, to be sure, you also need to thoroughly check the tire specifications to confirm compatibility again with the previously selected rim.

If you deliberately combine ingredients that do not have the same size, it can cost you the health of your body. You can be in danger if you stubbornly use them. In some exceptional cases, it can also affect the spin of your motor. And of course, you will have to spend more money to fix this unwanted problem.

To change the tire size, you need to understand how it works and its essential parameters. 

The fact that you stubbornly do not learn everything in advance will only harm you or involve those around you. 

Main Reason For Changing Tire Size On Same Rim

There are many reasons why you should change your tire size. But, more commonly, it is mainly related to performance, aesthetics, and situational handling. Below are some specific analyzes for the above aspects.

+Better performance

When choosing the corresponding tire size stability, your vehicle’s performance will improve. It plays a vital role in the efficiency of acceleration, deceleration, or any movement request from you.

Or more importantly, it contributes to your safety and those around you. At the same time, it helps to minimize unwanted risks. From there, allow for the best-associated cost optimization for you.

+Better aesthetics

Besides performance, aesthetics is also a top reason not to be ignored when choosing tires with a regular size. With such tires, it will help to make your overall wheel more attractive and attractive. Not only that, but it also contributes to highlighting your style.

+Better handling

On the other hand, stable-sized tires also contribute to enhanced driver-handling accuracy. Braking and turning operations are more ideal than ever for your safety. Besides, it also allows you to stimulate the spirit of excitement in driving your vehicle.


The information about changing the tire size on the same rim above will hopefully help you understand more deeply the problem and soon decide to choose your final size. Enjoy our article, and don’t forget to leave feedback!

Thank you for reading!

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Do I Need An Alignment After Replacing Tires? Explanation Thu, 23 Mar 2023 06:52:32 +0000 If you own a car, there are many causes of problems with your vehicle, such as worn tires, vibrations while driving, or the steering wheel, no matter what brand the tires are from Milestar or Hankook.Do I need an alignment after replacing tires is one of many people ask when they have a problem and change a new tire.

This job does not require you to do it all the time, but it will make driving more stable and increase the life of the car and reduce fuel consumption.

This article will help you answer questions and provide solutions to problems you may encounter.

What Is An Alignment?

An alignment is an operation related to your car’s suspension system. In particular, the suspension system is the system that performs the task of connecting the vehicle to its wheels.

However, you need to be aware that it cannot significantly impact your tires and wheels. If you want to create the proper alignment, you need to adjust the angles of the tires. It leads to the operation and the contact with the tire’s road.

The primary purpose of this alignment is to check and ensure the good, stable, and long-lasting operation of the tire. It will help all 4 wheels move in the appropriate direction, making driving less shaky and safer.

Read More: How to tell which wheel bearing is bad?

Do I Need An Alignment After Replacing Tires?

The answer is definitely yes; experts and repair shops all advise you to align after changing tires to increase the product’s life. It means that when you do the alignment, the tires will contact the road at a good angle with better specifications. At the same time, the alignment will also help you save gas have a smoother and more comfortable driving experience.

Read More: Who Makes Douglas Tires?

Read More: Where are Hercules tires made?

What Happens If I Don’t Get An Alignment?

You will discover specific problems and find solutions, such as tire alignment. Therefore, your time to do this work is as soon as possible.

On the contrary, if you don’t handle it, you will receive the consequences of tire failure, steering system malfunction, and possibly loss of safety. When it does, the problem will create stress on the suspension and damage other components, costing you a lot of money and time to repair.

Moreover, if the vehicle is deflected, it will make it difficult to control noise when turning the steering wheel while stationary, vibration occurs, sideways tilt, and fuel consumption due to force tire resistance and incorrect mounting.

How Can You Tell If Your Car Needs An Alignment?

As mentioned in the section above, there are many warning signs that you should perform alignment, specifically:

+Uneven wear across the contact patch or tire

While driving, you will spot a problem as the tires wear out faster, which indicates that the alignment may not be technically correct. In that case, uneven tire wear will occur over four but can also be one or two.

+Pulsing feedback or shaking in the steering wheel

If you notice the car can’t move straight or is shaking from the vehicle or the steering wheel, it’s also a sign that you need to make adjustments.

+The steering wheel is off-center.

Another sign that needs alignment is your steering wheel. If you find that it’s off-center or pointing in one direction, you need to take it to the shop for alignment as soon as possible.

+Pulling to the left or right

Even if you don’t touch the steering wheel, the car reverses to the left or right, and you still need to consider the alignment.

Read More: How long does an alignment take?

How Long Does An Alignment Take?

The time between alignments of your vehicle will largely depend on how often you drive and the state of your car. If you often have to travel on uneven roads, you will need to have the alignment done once or twice a year. It is entirely different from the case where you have an immediate problem with the tire like you have a tire fixing a flat, this time, you need to repair it as soon as possible.

Conversely, if you are traveling on a flat road, you only need to check and make adjustments if necessary once a year. However, it would help if you did it because it makes you safer and ensures the stability of the car in the long run.

How Much Does A Wheel Alignment Cost?

You’ll need to pay $90 for an alignment. However, it is only an initial figure, and prices vary by location, vehicle brand and store, and your specific problem. 

It will take an hour or so, so you can make an appointment in advance to make the process go as smoothly as possible.

In terms of costs, we have the following notes:

+Alignment type

You can choose the alignment type: Digital or manual. In particular, if you prefer digital alignment, you need to pay a higher cost but have a better effect.

+Crafting and Modeling

In the case of your car, digitally aligning can be done on all four wheels, but some cars only need two wheels. If you do it with 4 wheels, you need to spend $130 and $90 just aligning 2 ones.

+Modification of media

When you bring your car to the shop, professional maintenance specialists need to be under the car and use tools to align it, which is labor-intensive. It also means you need to spend more money.

+Suspension conditions

You will need to pay for more repairs if you have a problem with the suspension or steering system, such as a worn tire or damage.

+Align Once vs Lifetime

As you know, you need to have your car calibrated every year for the best performance. If you use a lifetime or multi-year alignment service for only $200, it will be more profitable than having your car calibrated for $90 once. It will be beneficial if you drive in unfavorable road conditions and many potholes.


As such, alignment is necessary in many cases for everyone’s car. Through our studies, we’ve found it helps you have a safer driving experience and prolongs the life of your vehicle. In addition, if you fix problems early through alignment, you will save other repair costs in the long run.

We hope that the article has satisfied you with the above information. Thank you for reading!

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How Long Can You Drive On A Spare Tire?(Solving Problem) Tue, 28 Feb 2023 07:53:40 +0000 When traveling on the road by car, one big obsession is damage to the vehicle. The most common of the main problems is tire puncture. Understanding this problem, now manufacturers all come with a spare wheel. Accordingly, you can fix yourself for urgent cases.

Although spare tires can replace official tires, this accessory has a drawback: it only works well for a certain distance. Of course, the spare wheel cannot be for a long time.

To learn more about how long can you drive on a spare tire? Let’s go to the article below.

How Long Can You Drive On A Spare Tire? 

In general, the spare tire usage time is shorter than the official tire. If you want a 100% correct answer, it is challenging because using the spare tire depends on many factors.

First, we will tell you about the standard time.

Read More: How To Fix Low Tire Pressure? 5 Easy Steps


Usually, inside the user manual, there is information about the spare wheel printed. The allowed distance and speed when using light tires are also mentioned. Specifically, the general rule is that drivers should not use donut tires for more than 50-70 miles. In general, this is not long-distance, so you need to be careful.

To be on the safe side, change your tires every 50 miles. Except for emergencies, use up to 70 miles with no other option. According to many experts, you shouldn’t run faster than 50 mph when using donuts. Note that, unlike the regular versions, you will be limited in speed when driving with spare tires.

According to many studies, you should not be in danger if you follow the instructions from the manufacturer. Therefore, please follow the rules of the manual to protect your safety.

+Different spare tires have slightly different lifespans

With the donut spare tire, you will have more convenience, but the most significant disadvantage is use time. For specific times, please refer to the above. It makes many people uneasy. So we decided to add some suggestions below.

Previously, manufacturers included spare tires similar to official tires. As a result, you have more time to ride on these tires. Once again, the tire is damaged. Can you replace it with another one? But due to the bulky nature, taking up space, most people switch to the donut tire (spare tire).

In addition, there is another type of tire on the market: a flat tire. Similar to the donut layer features, this tool is only standard in BMW or MINI models. Of course, you also need to replace it after a period of use. Because of the structure, the life of this part is lower than the official tire.

But the most special is the emergency support. For example, if you happen to have changed your spare tire and you continue to have a puncture, a flat tire can guarantee you another 50 miles of travel.

+Path type

In addition, the usage time also depends a lot on the road you drive. Nothing will happen if the road is flat and smooth. But with rough, rocky roads or high and slippery passes, the time to use the spare tire is also significantly reduced.

If facing you is the wrong road, you should be more careful with your tires. Accordingly, doing this will ensure that you can safely get to the repair site.

In addition, if you are traveling in the rain, you should run at a slow speed and limit sudden braking to avoid the friction of the road surface on the wheels. As a result, your tires don’t wear out as quickly and last longer.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Besides the information above, we also provide you with answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. Specifics include:

+Are spare tires expensive?

The spare tire does not have the same price for different vehicles. Of course, you have to spend a lot of money on this backup tool for luxury cars. As for mid-range cars, the price of spare tires is not too high. Some tires even cost less than traditional tires.

+Should I change to a new fallback class after each replacement?

Depending on the case, you will have different solutions. For example, if the distance with the spare tire is more than 70 miles, it is best to install a new tire. As for short distances, you should reuse the tire to save money next time.

+Are the spare tires as good as the official ones?

In terms of quality, a spare tire ensures your safe travel. But in general, the life of the spare tire is not as long as the original one. As we said, this type of tire can only travel up to 70 miles.

+Where can I buy a spare tire?

In general, buying one is not too difficult. To own a preferential price, we recommend buying at the car company. Or you can choose on e-commerce sites. But you need to pay attention to stores with transparent brands to avoid buying the wrong product. You can refer to some brands such as: Primewell or Hankook tires, both of which are perfect choices,…

+Is it easy to change the spare tire?

For many drivers, changing tires is not too difficult. With just a few training sessions, we believe that you can fix tire errors yourself in emergencies, specifically working under the car, or assembling. Don’t forget to bring support tools for disassembly in your vehicle. Because you cannot succeed with empty hands.


We hope you will accumulate more knowledge about the spare wheel with this article. By now, you must have answered the question: how long can you drive on a spare tire?

If unfortunately, you encounter a situation where you need to change the spare tire, please apply the information above. Accordingly, you will avoid mistakes that affect your vehicle and your safety.

Finally, please share this article with as many people as possible for reference. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below to assist you promptly. Thanks for reading.

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How To Tell Which Wheel Bearing Is Bad?(Solving Problem) Wed, 22 Feb 2023 03:36:34 +0000 As you all know, to form a complete wheel system, it will be impossible not to use wheel bearings. This part has the primary function of ensuring the stable operation of the wheel during the transfer. 

So, how to tell which wheel bearing is bad front or back? And how to detect wheel bearing problems? The following article will guide you in identifying and checking wheel bearings when this part has issues.

What Are Car Wheel Bearings?

Automotive wheel bearings are an integral part of every wheel system. Another name knew it as wheel bearing. In essence, a wheel bearing is a metal ring that contains steel balls around it.

It is in the center of the wheel. The primary function of this type of ring is to reduce friction during the wheels’ rotation and ensure the vehicle’s stable operation during the process.

In addition to wheel bearings, the components that make up this system will need ball bearings and precision roller bearings. It has the effect of supporting the entire weight of the vehicle. In addition, because the approach is not lubricated continuously, it will wear out over time.

Therefore, you need to check the bearing system regularly to avoid this part affecting the entire tire and engine. Patching a tire due to a problem will cost a lot of money for users.

So, how to recognize and check for problems related to wheel bearings? When encountering these phenomena, what should drivers do? You can refer to the identification signs below.

Read More: Are Wheel Locks Worth It? Tip For Beginners

How To Tell Which Wheel Bearing Is Bad Front Or Back?

Watch out for strange noises

Strange noises are one of the most common signs you can detect when your wheel bearing system is malfunctioning. This noise usually occurs when the bearings are drying. 

At this point, the noise will increase as the vehicle accelerates and can come from the front or rear. In addition, it can make a rumbling noise when you are driving on a straight road. The noise gets louder as you prepare to turn and turn.

When the noise is too loud, you can hear more clicks. At this time, be careful when moving forward because this noise indicates that your wheel bearing system is damaged or broken. It will probably disable your car.

How to know which side of your wheel has bearing problems? A simple way is to slow down the car and shake the wheels gently. 

If the sound appears when you move to the left, your right wheel is likely suffering from bearing failure. And you can ultimately try the opposite with the other wheel.

Tire check

Tire inspection is the following way to identify wheel bearing problems. Because the tires of the car wear unevenly, the bearing is likely at that wheel position. However, you also need to check the life of the tire set. 

Because any set of tires will wear out after a period of use. Therefore, this test method can lead to two different consequences if the tire is over time: tire wear due to time or bearing system failure.

Read More: How To Fix Low Tire Pressure? 5 Easy Steps

Wheels wobble when in motion

Another symptom that you can use to identify failed wheel bearings is wheel wobble. You will feel the car shake at that time, and the wheel control will be less responsive. 

In particular, when you turn the wheel, you will find it very difficult because the wheel system no longer works exactly as before.

Side traction when braking

Bearing-related problems can be caused: system failure, rotor wear, or balancer failure. All of these causes will cause your car’s system to experience loose brakes. 

Whenever you apply the brake, your vehicle will move as if it were centered and pulling in a particular direction. At this point, check the bearings on the side to which the trailer is towed.

Signs Of A Broken CV Joint

The car shakes when in operation

When your car shakes, it could be a faulty wheel bearing or a damaged CV joint. If the CV joint fails, you will feel the phenomenon of your car shaking more and more intensely. 

Because the shaft joint has oil reservoirs while the shaft rotates and the center keeps it from overflowing. As a result, the absence of oil can cause the CV coupling to fail and your vehicle to experience vibrations.

Knock appears

Engine knocking when accelerating is the next most likely sign that your CV matching is having problems. However, you need to specify where the knock appears. 

Because this sound can come from your engine side. At this point, another part of your engine system is also experiencing problems.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my rear wheel bearings are bad?

Recognizing that your rear wheel bearings are damaged is quite simple; you can rely on 1 of the 4 signs below:

  • Reduce acceleration while driving
  •  m strange sound appeared
  • Uneven tire wear
  • Vibrating steering wheel

When you encounter 2 of the 4 signs above, the rear wheel bearing system certainly has a problem. You will need to check and troubleshoot to ensure the safety of both people and vehicles.

What is the difference between lousy CV joints and bad wheel bearings?

To distinguish between CV coupling and wheel bearing problems, you can rely on their sound. 

With a CV joint, it will make a clicking sound when rotating. The wheel bearing will make a continuous noise even when you are hard on the straight road and turning the car.

What happens when rear wheel bearings fail?

When a wheel bearing fails, it can cause your car to be disabled. In addition, this part will cause the tire system to wear unevenly. Using a vehicle with a damaged wheel bearing for a long time will make you feel uncomfortable by the sounds that appear.


Hopefully, this article will help you better understand how to identify and check for front and rear wheel bearings problems. To accomplish this task, you can rely on characteristic signs such as the appearance of knocking noises or decreased wheel sensitivity. 

When you encounter any of these phenomena, quickly check and fix the problem in time. Because a faulty wheel bearing can be dangerous for both people and vehicles.

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How To Remove Steering Wheel Cover? Solved With 3 Steps Wed, 22 Feb 2023 02:59:22 +0000 A cover is an excellent accessory for prolonging the life of your steering wheel. However, the cover may become damaged and will no longer function over time. 

How to remove steering wheel cover once it’s worn out? There are three steps for the removal process:

  • Step 1: Deactivate your vehicle
  • Step 2: Detach the wheel
  • Step 3: Remove the cover

This article will discuss each step in detail. We also recommend some ideas to make the best of your job. Let’s join us and learn how to bring a new look to your steering wheel

Read More: How To Clean Leather Steering Wheel?

How To Remove Steering Wheel Cover?

To avoid damage to the interiors during the removal procedure, you must remove the steering wheel first. The detailed instructions are as follows:

Step 1: Deactivate your vehicle

Remember to switch off the car thoroughly before taking any action. Also, remove the key from the engine to prevent it from linking to a power source.

Don’t forget to check under the hood of your automobile for the battery.

Step 2: Detach the steering wheel

This step is essential to the whole process. We will divide it into smaller parts so that you can follow it easily.

  • Loosen the screws

You can use a wrench that suits the hex screw to loosen the screw until the wire on the opposing end is free.

Then, go on to the next positive end. It’s worth noting that extracting the entire screw isn’t necessary. Loosening it will suffice.

  • Remove the trim

The trim is in charge of protecting the bolts below the steering wheel. The form and size of the trim vary depending on the vehicle type and manufacturer.

To effectively remove the trim, carefully pull it out with a screwdriver without damaging it. 

  • Remove the airbag

Find the two bolts connected to the handwheel. The bolts holding the handwheel in place are placed backward. As a result, you’ll need to loosen them using a socket wrench. 

Choose the appropriate head for the screw. Most screws are hex-shaped, but some types need the use of a star-shaped one. 

Now, you can remove the airbag altogether. 

  • Disconnect the wires

If the steering wheel features buttons for other purposes, there will be more cables that you need to detach.

Make sure to disconnect the wires as well as harnesses. This step helps you remove the handwheel easier. 

  • Remove the handwheel

There is only one last bolt at the center of the handwheel. You need to unscrew it counterclockwise and then remove it. 

The steering wheel may have two spots on two sides of its shaft. Once you’ve located it, use a puller to take it out. 

Step 3: Remove the cover

A leather cover is hard to remove. However, leather is the most popular material for steering wheel coating because of its luxurious and glossy appearance. 

To achieve the task, you need to prepare scissors or a ratchet.

The ratchet comes in handy if there is a bolt to attach the cover to the handwheel. You can use the tool to unscrew the bolt. Once you’ve removed the connection, you can tear the cover quickly and effortlessly.

If there is no bolt, you can cut the cover with scissors. Don’t use much force since the wrapping will peel off easily. 

Read More: What makes noise when turning steering wheel while stationary?

Other Methods To Remove The Steering Wheel Cover?

Aside from using scissors, you can also try other tools to loosen the wrapping. 

Employ a force

The idea behind this solution is alternative-force work, which claims that you may release a tight object by continuously pushing it in different directions. 

First, all you have to do is move the cover towards you, then pull it away from you. You need to repeat the procedure until the wrapping has loosened and is removable. 

It may take some time to complete the task. Hence, if you are impatient, this method can’t work for you. In this case, move to the other two.

Use some heat

This approach aims to employ a blow dryer to weaken the cover and make it easier to detach. 

Start by setting the blow dryer to its maximum mode and blow about 10 seconds through each part. Then, you will find it easier to detach the cover. 

Why Should You Remove The Wheel Cover?

The steering wheel cover needs replacing when it’s too dirty for the driver to hold. 

Consider how many times you’ve eaten in your automobile. You accidentally grabbed the steering wheel with your oily hands, leaving oil grease marks on it. 

Alternatively, when you repair your car, you test if it works by touching the handwheel with your dirty hands. All of your unintended acts will ultimately cause damage to the cover.

As a result, the cover will become dusty, fracture, dry out, and degrade over time. That’s when you’ll need to change it since it’s no longer up to the task. 

A damaged cover can’t protect the handwheel. You may get ill due to the bacteria forming on the wrapping over time. 

Final Words

A steering wheel cover doesn’t only work for aesthetics, but it also protects the handwheel from damage. As a result, you need to remove the cover when it can’t perform correctly.

The removal process is relatively straightforward, with some simple steps. Remember to remove it to avoid your steering from scratching carefully.

Hopefully, you will find this article helpful. If you need any further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you for being interested in the post! 

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Where Are Hercules Tires Made? Everything You Need To Know Tue, 14 Feb 2023 04:47:38 +0000 With a set of tires, assessing their quality will depend on many factors. Hercules is the best choice for you if you find it challenging to choose a set of car tires. This brand includes many different versions of tires. 

Thanks to that, users can easily choose the right product set for their vehicle. 

So, where are Hercules tires made?

The following article will introduce you to the top 3 sets of Hercules tires that you should use.

Who Invented The Hercules Tire?

Today, Hercules tires are a set of products from the famous Hercules tire and rubber company. The company was founded in 1952. Hercules has been and is becoming one of the best tire suppliers for cars.

In 1960, a significant change came from this tire company. When they started producing Hercules tires, it quickly surpassed many tire companies of the time. In just a short time, this brand of car loops has become one of the best-selling product sets of all time.

Cooper Tire is the unit responsible for developing and producing Hercules tires. This business has constantly researched and developed more perfect tire versions, meeting all customers’ needs. Therefore, besides being used as the main tire, many users have chosen Hercules as a spare tire for their cars.

Where Are Hercules Tires Made?

Where Are Hercules Tires Made

As for Hercules tires, it is produced mainly in the United States under the management of the US tire distribution corporation. However, to popularize the tire to a broader audience, the manufacturer has built more production plants in other countries, such as China. This expansion also helps save production costs and investment in raw materials for businesses.

Although Hercules tires are outside the United States, they still guarantee excellent quality. Because all tires from this brand maintain the same production standard. Therefore, users can completely use the tires from this brand with peace of mind.

If you are using a tire from another brand and feel it is not quality, you can switch to Hercules.

You can find these tires at most auto parts centers. With the intelligent design of this tire, users can change an axle travel trailer easily with just a few simple steps.

Features Of This Tire

Tires from the Hercules brand have many different sizes and designs, meeting all customers’ needs.

Compared to buying tires from other brands, tires from this brand will be cheaper. However, their quality will always be in terms of durability and elasticity. With a  fix a flat, you can go a long distance before resorting to the assistance of car repairers.

You can easily find this tire at all auto dealers around the world

The system of spikes reads and responds and is eye-catching, giving users a more enjoyable feeling when driving. 

Current popular versions

Hercules Raptis R-T5

This version provides extreme performance for users. Therefore, Terra Raptis R-T15 can confidently compare the quality with many famous tire brands on the market. To achieve such excellent quality, the manufacturer has used CoolCourse ™ technology which significantly extends the life of the tires. In addition, this tire features an asymmetrical tread system and 3D UltraWave™ emerging suction cups, allowing for tighter handling.

Hercules Terra Trac AT II

Terra Trac AT II is one of the car loops that bring excellent performance when it often has to travel on wet roads and rough terrain. 

The manufacturer has designed reasonable spikes and grooves to get such good quality. From there, the wheel will grip the road better and minimize tire wear during use.

The operating environment of this type of tire will cause it to become dirty faster. So, how to clean this tire line? Cleaning Terra Trac AT II tires will be similar to cleaning whitewall tires. You will need to pay special attention to the tread system of the tires during cleaning.

Hercules Roadtour 655 MRE

Roadtour 655 MRE is a tire with extreme wear resistance. Thanks to that, users can use this tire for a long time without worrying about tire problems. In addition, Roadtour 655 MRE has wheel diameters from 14-18 inches. Therefore, it will be compatible with various passenger vehicles.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

1.Are Hercules tires any good?

The answer is yes. In addition to quality, Hercules also has a lower cost compared to other tire products. Therefore, if you need a set of cheap tires of good quality, Hercules tires will be the best choice for you.

2.Are Hercules snow tires any good?

Tires from the Hercules brand will have many different versions. It includes compatibility for each terrain and operating environment. Therefore, you can easily find a set of car tires for slippery snow terrain.

3.Are Hercules tires made in China?

Yes. In addition to the United States, China is the country with a Hercules tire production unit. You do not need to worry about quality deterioration when changing production units because these tires are all manufactured according to a different standard.


Hopefully, the article will help you answer the question “Where are Hercules tires made.” 

With this tire, it is made mainly in the United States. 

In addition, it is also made in China. The expansion of production scale will help Hercules tire business reach more customers. At the same time, production costs in China will be many times cheaper than in the United States.

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Are Wheel Locks Worth It? Let’s Explore Sun, 12 Feb 2023 15:57:15 +0000 Car tires are one of the essential parts of every car. It is pretty expensive to replace so many thieves nowadays who steal these wheelsets. To minimize this situation, many car users have used tire locksets

With this intelligent technology device, it not only has the function of fixing the tire, but it also possesses a few other good features. The following article will give you an overview of this type of car lock.

What Are Wheel Locks?

Wheel locks are kits used to ensure the safety of your wheels. At this point, the user will replace the wheel nuts with wheel locks. Thanks to this, all wheels will be in place until the lock is released.

Using this type of lock will help people minimize possible wheel theft because only a dedicated key can open this type of lock. Thanks to that, the technology makes it very difficult for some thieves to break this set of locks. 

In addition, wheel locks also work to protect your tires from blowouts. Then, you will not need to use patches or a spare tire.

Read More: How long does an alignment take?

Wheel Locks Outstanding Features

What Are Wheel Locks

Enhanced protection

When it comes to wheel locks, their use certainly protects your vehicle. With this type of lock, it will be possible to protect your rims, tires, and the interior of your wheels. As a result, thieves will not steal the accessories in the rotation.

In addition to protecting the wheel, this lock will not work to protect your car door system. Therefore, in addition to equipping the wheel lock, you need to use an electronic locking system for the car door. At that time, the thief will not open the locked car door. Vehicle protection will become more effective.

Ensure aesthetic value

With this type of smart lock, you will not need to worry too much about the aesthetic value of your car being affected. Even with luxury cars, you can still use this type of lock. 

Wheel locks are now designed with a very luxurious appearance, and it is no different from the nuts used for your wheels. As a result, other people looking at your vehicle will not notice using wheel locks.

Cost savings

Only with the use of wheel locks can users protect the safety of their cars by more than 90%. 

Therefore, they will rarely need to use an extra set of locks for the car. At the same time, the investment in a wheel lock set is much cheaper than other types of locks. It is very convenient to carry, and only a specialized key can open this type of lock.

Disadvantages Of Wheel Locks

  • With each lock, it will only be specific to a particular set of wheels
  • For some cases on the road, using this type of lock will not be effective
  • It doesn’t offer 100% protection for your car
  • When you lose the key, it will be challenging to break the lock

How To Pick One?

Not all locks are suitable for all car models. It depends on a lot of different factors. For example, with a Honda brand, buying Honda Civics with Honda Accord will use 2 different types of locks. Here are some factors that you need to consider when choosing wheel locks:

  • Wheel size
  • Ease of use
  • Amount
  • Crafting materials
  • Price

Among them, wheel size is the most critical factor because it will directly affect the compatibility of the lock with the wheel—different nut set sizes. The size of the safety needs to match those nuts.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Are wheel locks a waste of money?

Is not. The use of wheel locks is entirely beneficial for your car. Because it will help minimize the thief stealing your wheel. With some high-quality tires like Whitewall, theft is quite possible. Therefore, using a tire lock is the safest method to help you protect your property.

Can you steal wheels with wheel locks?

Is not. This type of lock will help keep your wheels in place. Therefore, if you do not unlock them, you will not move or disassemble the wheel. As a result, thieves will hardly have a chance to take your wheels.

Do wheel locks stop thieves?

The answer is yes. However, to ensure absolute safety for your car, you should use door locks. Because wheel locks only have the protection scope of the wheel. As for the other parts, it will not have that ability.

What wheels get stolen the most?

With all wheels, it is in the sights of all thieves. However, losing a tire will cost more for the user.


Hopefully, the article will help you understand more about car wheel locks. With this type of lock, users can effectively protect their tire and rim system because the lock has the effect of fixing your wheel. 

And only a dedicated key can unlock them. However, with other parts, the wheel locks will not be protected. Therefore, users should use different smart locksets for their car.

If you have any other related questions, don’t hesitate to leave a detailed comment. Our dedicated team will strive to provide the most complete and accurate feedback.

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What Makes Noise When Turning Steering Wheel While Stationary Fri, 10 Feb 2023 02:17:39 +0000 When driving, you may notice strange noises coming from your car, especially when turning the steering wheel while stationary, your car is having problems.

Specifically, it often takes place with a specific part instead of the whole vehicle. If it’s possible and the best time, take it to a mechanic so they can take a look before the problem gets worse.

Besides, you can check the jounce bushing yourself, power steering rack, FCS or Monroe struts and the shocks, the steering reservoir tank, the suspension bushings,…

So, what makes noise when turning steering wheel while stationary?

We will cover it all in the article below and the steps you can take to fix it if it’s not too serious.

What Makes Noise When Turning Steering Wheel While Stationary

What Makes Noise When Turning Steering Wheel While Stationary

The Jounce Bushing Problems

In the front strut, you can find jounce bushings. Its location is precisely at the top part of the strut. If you hear a noise when turning the steering wheel while stationary, it may be caused by the vehicle being dry due to prolonged usage time.

Specifically, the noise sounds like a creaking or groaning sound. Now you need to find a way to get rid of them as soon as possible. Because if you let this go on for longer, the car will have more problems.

The power steering rack is not working well

Another possible cause of a whine in your car is a problem with the rack and pinion vs steering box 272. It’s not working correctly and needs you to check it out immediately.

You often encounter this situation where you are traveling at a low speed. Alternatively, you might consider looking at belts or vane pumps that could be causing the problem.

Struts And The Shocks Are Worn Out

After a long period of use of the vehicle or any equipment, the parts that operate a lot and continuously will inevitably corrode, it gets worse when you’re driving at high speeds, on uneven terrain, or when you’re not careful.

Equipment wear time will be slower if you are a good and careful driver.

You will hear noise when turning right or left due to expected durability. Abraded parts will cause this condition.

The Steering Reservoir Tank is Clogged

The next cause you should consider is the power steering fluid reservoir. You need to make sure they are always clean, thanks to the efficient operation of the filter.

In some situations, it can clog, restrict operation, and make noise when you turn.

Leaking Of The Power Steering Fluid

Power steering fluid is responsible for lubricating the power steering system, primarily supporting the stable and smooth operation of the steering wheel. While it may not be the leading cause, you can consider it when checking your car, similar to an engine oil leak.

They are inefficient, as indicated by the vehicle’s noise when making a turn.

The problem of the suspension bushings

Just like tires and tube components are subject to continuous service for long periods, suspension bushings can also wear out. At this point, you’ll hear a creaking sound, signaling the replacement time has come.

At the same time, if you let the condition linger, it will crack or even break. You will have great difficulty when they stop working at a time when you desperately need them.

Ball Joints Are Damaged

One of the details of the vehicle system is the ball joint, and its task is to support the movement of the steering wheel joints and the control arms so that they are most stable and rhythmic.

When the noise occurs, the Ball Joints are dry and need lubrication. This activity will help you eliminate noise and minimize vehicle damage caused by them.

Tie Rod Ends Are Worn Out

Tie Rod Ends are an essential part of the vehicle system when it is responsible for stopping the wheels from moving when you turn off the steering wheel.

Over a long period of use, they are straightforward to wear, so they need to be checked and replaced in time, especially in the case of reckless driving and knocking. Furthermore, it can happen even when you’re driving at slow speeds and when you’re turning.

Steering Column Bearing

The rubbing rod reflects that the upper ball bearing on the steering wheel is having a problem. It causes the plastic part at the rear of the steering wheel to rub against the cow on the steering column. They make noise when the temperature is increased. Furthermore, the relevant parts may be at this time.

How To Fix A Noisy Steering Wheel When Turning?

How To Fix A Noisy Steering Wheel When Turning

If you are looking for the most effective fix for A Noisy Steering Wheel When Turning problem, then here is the procedure you can follow:

Step 1: Check power steering fluid

The cause of the noise may be due to the power steering fluid running out or at a low level due to dryness or leakage. If this fluid is running low, check your entire device for leaks and find out what’s causing it and how to limit it in the future.

In the case of tricky parts, you should also be aware that your power steering fluid is among them.

Step 2: Remove the old switch

It would help if you used a wrench to remove the old switch, and you must be careful to avoid causing damage to the vehicle’s system components.

Step 3: Add a new switch

You can find and buy new switches at vehicle supply stores or a repair shop. The next thing is to put it in place and fix it with a wrench as tight as possible.

This operation will most likely prevent your product from leaking perfectly.

Step 4: Add power steering oil

You should use the best quality power steering fluid. It can be recommended by professionals and consumers alike to suit your budget.

Besides, you don’t need to drain the old power steering fluid. Just add more to the tank.


Thus, the article has provided noise causes when turning the steering wheel while stationary and how to fix it.

However, our suggestions can only help you minimize the problem. You should take your car to a repair shop as soon as possible. Here professional repairers and professionals can assist you as best they can.

At the same time, before starting to drive, check the overall product and maintain it regularly for the perfect driving experience.

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